~Chapter 5~

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Red Keep, Kings Landing

Visenya 'Harumi' Targaryen

Word was spreading fast and quick about the many flowers and ribbons...as well as Ser Armory Lorch's death. "I just regret that I was not the one to kill him...but whoever did, has my gratitude forever. Rhaenys, my sweet and innocent niece can rest in peace." Prince Oberyn remarked at the feast last night, sending not so subtle glares to the Lannisters who looked none too happy about everything. As I made ready for my day, I grabbed a small jar that held the salve I intended to give to Lady Shireen Baratheon and only her as it was the Yi-Tish cure for greyscale and I felt so bad for the lovely girl who was afflicted. As I made my way into the hall, I saw that Lady Shireen was sitting with her uncle, Lord Renly and I walked over with a sweet smile on my face. "Good morrow, my lord...my lady. I...uh...have a gift for my lady. It is a salve that is said to cure anything...even Greyscale. All that will be left is a redness that will make it seem like you have a sun burn or blush." I said, using the Yi-Tish accent and placed the jar next to Lady Shireen's plate as she stared at me with wide eyes. "Truly? Yi-Ti has a cure?" Lord Renly asked, also shocked and I nodded, putting my hands in front of me. "Yes, we've had several outbreaks over the years and the doctors, physicians, and other members of the medical profession have been working for a cure and found it for greyscale." I finished speaking before bowing and going over to my seat, smiling to myself as I could hear Lady Shireen speak so joyously about this. As I began to eat, a servant wearing House Baratheon-Lannister coat-of-arms walked over with a letter in their hands and handed it to me with a bow before standing to the side while I unrolled the letter and read it. 

'Lady Harumi, I would be honored if you could attend a small party I am hosting today. I plan on giving out dressed that are made in the same fashion as your famous and wonderfully designed Kimonos for the different ladies of the realm who have also attended. You will be seated at my right hand as my guest of honor. 

Princess Myrcella of House Baratheon'

I folded the letter back and motioned for the servant to walk over. "Tell the princess that I would be honored to attend her party today." I said with a smile and the servant nodded and walked off, allowing me to return to my breakfast of boiled chicken eggs, slices of fresh fruit, toasted bread with orange jelly and some honeycomb before washing it down with a cup of minty tea. As soon as I finished my breakfast, I followed Katsuhito and Hiroto out to the training yards where they began their practice, causing many to stop and watch them fight. The two began their usual fighting styles as everyone gathered to watch, some cheering, others making bets and even a few were looking at their own weapons before comparing them to the Yi-Tish weapons. Leaning against the wall without damaging my dress, I smiled as Katsuhito let Hiroto win for a bit before showing him why Katsuhito was the best swordsman in Yi-Ti...maybe even Westeros if anyone said anything. After a while, I left them alone and went into the gardens, finding the Godswood where I sat down on a bench and looked at the tree and sighed...it made me miss my mother and the gardens of the Imperial Palace where I would play with Hiroto and Riko until we had to do our lessons. 

Lady Masako

I watched as my young ward and best student walked to the Godswood that was in Kings Landing before turning and walking down the halls of the Red Keep, turning my nose up at the gaudy reds and golds that surrounded the area. "You would think that with House Baratheon being the ruling house, there would be more of their colors and sigils...but everywhere I turn and look, there is always a bright red and outrageous gold lion everywhere." I said to myself as I stopped in front of a painting that depicted the "Royal" Family and scoffed. "Careful...words like that can get you on my sisters bad side." I turned to see a small man, most probably the infamous "Imp" Lord Tyrion Lannister. "Oh...last I recall, a Queen-Consort cannot wield much power." I responded back and he snorted coming to stand beside me, though he smelled like he bathed in strong perfumes and wine. "I am Lady Masako, Lady Harumi's teacher in the womanly arts and ways...like a septa, but I am not prudish nor dedicated to a faith that lies outright." I said as I gave a small bow and he returned it with a smile. "Well met, my lady...I am Tyrion Lannister. The imp of Casterly Rock...but I also go by the 'God of Tits and Wine'...do not tell my father about that one." He said and I let out a giggle, not having met someone as bawdy and fun like him before. Reaching into a secret pocket in my dress, I pulled my own flask out and took a swig of my drink before offering him some. "It's a Yi-Tish special...made for warriors mainly, but some of us do enjoy some good sips now and then." I said as he drank some before coughing and going to lean against the wall. 

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