~Chapter 13~

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'Dragonstone...the first seat of my ancestors.' I thought with a shudder as I stood on the deck of the ship, the Velaryons with me as they did not feel it was best to see Lord Stannis alone. "Ambassador Harumi!" I looked and smiled as Lady Shireen, her face nearly clear from greyscale, came running to me and gave a bow before hugging me. I let out a giggle as I bent down and put a strand of lose hair behind her ear. "Hello again, Lady Shireen." I said as I stood up again as Stannis Baratheon came walking towards me, a stern look on his face. "Lord Baratheon." I said, giving the man a head nod. "If you and your party will follow me, please." Stannis spoke as he turned on his feet and we followed up the stairs and into the halls of Dragonstone. A sense of familiarity came upon me as I walked through the halls of Dragonstone, looking around the stone carved statues of dragons and old relics from the times that House Targaryen ruled this seat. Stannis took us to the Stone Drum where the famed Painted Table was located at. As we all sat down, I noticed that my seat faced directly where Kings Landing was at, but instead of a stag or lion, there was a dragon there. 

"I will admit, that unlike most of the fools in Kings Landing, I am not stupid. The way you act, the way Shireen described you, reminds me a lot of my own grandmother, Princess Rhaelle." Stannis began and I sighed, sitting straighter as both Katsuhito and Hiroto stood sat protectively on either side of me. "Why now....why come here after all these years?" Stannis asked, looking directly at me and I shrugged. "I originally came here to truly seek out and negotiate with your brother for true and fair trade in Westeros. But when I saw just how weak his rule was and how the lions were controlling everything....I had to act fast. I have five dragons, I have hatched and ridden them all and with them and the army, I will reclaim the throne and put House Targaryen back in power." I said with articulation and Stannis nodded before looking at me intently. "With what army exactly?" Stannis asked and I smirked, leaning back in the chair. "For one, the Emperor's army and navy, one of the strongest in Essos and possibly Westeros and I know that my uncle knows as does House Velaryon and House Nymeros-Martell." I said, looking at the different areas on the map.

"Then you can count those loyal to me....if you promise me one thing." "You want Storms End? Oh, I know all about how Robert gave Storms End to Renly, the youngest rather than the next brother of House Baratheon." I said with a wave of my hand. "In that case, Ambassador....-" "Call my Visenya, we are family after all." "Visenya, Dragonstone is yours." Stannis said as he stood up when the door opened and a man walked in. "Forgive me, my lord....Ambassador...but there is a woman from Asshai here. She wishes to speak with the Ambassador." The man spoke as he bowed and left and I stood up, Stannis following. "I will let you meet with this woman...Visenya." Stannis as he left and I walked out, Katsuhito and Hiroto following me. "Ah, princess...or is it Queen? Either way, I am Melisandre. I met with your mother and now I meet with you." The woman in red spoke, making me feel a bit unnerved. "Those eyes....given as a blessing from Amaterasu herself as a sign that Fujuko's death would be avenged. My lord's light shines brightly around you." Melisandre spoke in a haunting tone. "How do you know....-" "I have seen it thanks to my lords visions. I saw you hatch the eggs and ride them. I only wish to help restore House Targaryen to it's glory." Melisandre bowed before walking away, leaving me with Katsuhito and Hiroto alone in the throne room. "Keep an eye on her." I told the two before walking out of the hall to Aegon's Garden where I sat on a stone bench, breathing in the salty air of brimstone and smoke, even after all these years.

"Are you really a Targaryen princess?" I looked over and saw the frightened face of Shireen standing near the wild roses that were growing. "I am...but I assure you no harm will come to you or your family. I will not punish those who had no hand in anything that happened during Robert's Rebellion." I told the girl, kneeling down to her height. "Even Tommen?" Shireen asked in worry and I nodded. "Even Tommen." I put my hand on the girls shoulder and her fears seem to go away. "Why don't you show me around Dragonstone some more. I barely know the layout of it to begin with." I asked and Shireen's eyes widened before she nodded with a smile and I stood up, dusting the dirt from my gown as I did so. As we walked around Aegon's garden several loud roars were heard and I looked up, seeing four blots making their way to me and I smiled, going to stand near the edge. "Those....those are dragons." Shireen said in awe as I watched my four dragons land near the caves by the waterside. "Do you want to meet them?" I asked, looking down at the young Baratheon girl who nodded and we went down to the cave openings, seeing the four all curled in sections of the caves that had once housed other dragons. "That one, the ocean blue with white and sea green eyes is Ryujin and he acts like an old man but is extremely agile in the air." I said going over and petting Ryujin's snout. 

"Those two are Hirohito and Ieyasu. You could think of them like siblings. Hirohito is like a young adult, loves to chase animals but not eat them....yet and has the hottest of the fire breaths. While Ieyasu acts like a child...don't give me that look." I said, swatting Ieyasu's snout as Shireen giggled before gasping as the large golden dragon stuck her head down and I petted her. "Hello, old friend. Shireen, this is Akira or 'The Golden Lady'. My first dragon and the one I ride the most." I spoke with pride as Shireen walked over and stared at the dragons with wide eyes. "You really are a Targaryen princess...I mean queen." Shireen corrected herself and I sighed, petting Akira's nose. "Once the crown touches my head, then I can be called queen...but for now.....you can all me Visenya." I said, smiling down at Shireen who returned the smile. After assuring Stannis the dragons are firmly under my control, I stood in the room of the Painted Table, staring at the map of Westeros, moving the pieces around until I felt happy with how they looked. "It will soon be time for you to shed the dresses and take on the armor and fight." Hiroto spoke as he came to stop beside me, looking at the table intently. "I know....become the fighter like my namesake. I hope Riko did what I asked of her back in Kings Landing." I muttered, leaning into Hiroto who kissed my head and held me close. "Those bolts will be defective if they try to use them." Hiroto assured me and I smiled. 


Alrighty then, Visenya is starting to reclaim her throne by gaining allies. Her dragons are here and her mother along with the Yi Tish will be arriving soon enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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