The Dragons of Visenya

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"In the East, Dragons are not seen as mere pets nor are they slain, they are sacred. Divine creatures who brought wisdom, strength, even redemption."

When she was just five years of age, Visenya brought back creatures that had been gone for nearly 200 years...dragons. She hatched three dragons at the five and then later, at fifteen, she hatched two more. Here are their names-

Akira-Golden colored like the Imperial Chrystanthemum with yellow eyes-Visenya's first hatched dragon and her main dragon. Largest of her dragons, between the sizes of Vhagar and Meraxes. The most mature of the dragons, but very protective of her siblings.

Ryujin-Named for the God of the Sea-Ocean Blue with a white tail and sea green eyes-Second hatched dragon of Visenya. Second largest, between the sizes of Sheepstealer and Silverwing. Acts like an old man most of the time, but extremely agile in the air. 

Rhaegelia-Named for Rhaegar and Elia by Lyanna-Bronze with an orange tail and purple eyes-Third hatched by Visenya and is bonded to Lyanna. Same size as Silverwing. Acts like Lyanna at times, but also has hints of Rhaegar and Elia's attitudes in her.

Hirohito-Red and white with bronze eyes-Hatched when Visenya was fifteen. Roughly between the sizes of Quicksilver and Grey Ghost. Is like a young adult, loves to chase animals but not eat them....yet and has the hottest of the fire breaths.

Ieyasu-Green with blue spikes and hazel eyes-Hatched alongside Hirohito. Same size as Seasmoake. Is the youngest and acts like a kid, is the swiftest and fastest in the air and likes to harass the other dragons.

Rhaegelia is the only one that truly looks like a Western dragon, the others all bear resemblance to serpentine dragons of Yi-Tish culture.

The Dragon Of The East~Game Of Thrones AU~Where stories live. Discover now