A Childhood Promise Made

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Imperial Gardens of the Imperial Palace, Yi Ti, 286 AC

Beneath one of the many cherry blossom trees were two young children, a young girl with dark hair and amethyst eyes and a young boy with dark hair and warm brown eyes...they were Princess Visenya of House Targaryen-Stark from Westeros and Hiroto, a young lad who had fast become Visenya's closest and dearest friend. The young girl was dressed in a light purple kimono and had a small branch of cherry blossoms in her hair while the young boy, dressed in training attire, gathered more to make a bouquet. Though she smiled at the boy's actions, the smile barely reached her eyes, and he could tell something was wrong and so went and sat next to her, nudging the girl's shoulder playfully. 

"What bothers you, blossom? The young boy asked, and the girl simply sighed and shook her head before looking up at the sky above. "Mother says one day...I do not know when...I will have to return to Westeros and reclaim my birthright and restore House Targaryen's lost honor." Visenya said with slight worry and fear in her voice, but Hiroto wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. "If that does happen...then I will go with you. In fact, I'll make a vow or promise to always protect you when you are in Westeros!" Hiroto said as he stood up and grabbed a stick, pretending it was a sword and knelt down on one knee with the stick-sword in his hand and he looked up at Visenya who was trying not to giggle. 

"I, Hiroto, vow to protect and serve Princess Visenya of House Targaryen until death take me...or she tires of my presences...whichever comes first." Hiroto said and that caused Visenya to laugh out loud and give Hiroto a slight shove. "I will never tire of you...you're my friend. And death...what do we always say to the Gods of Death?" Visenya asked and both she and Hiroto kept eye contact. "Not today." They said in unison before laughing and running towards the wing of the palace where Visenya and her mother resided, not knowing that their teacher, Katsuhito had been watching with mirth filled eyes and shook his head before walking away. "Those two need to acknowledge the romance growing between them before it's too late." Katsuhito muttered to himself. 

In another part of the palace, a sad looking woman with dark hair and silver eyes fiddled with a ring that showed three dragon heads. "One day, Rhaegar...Elia...we will reunite. Visenya will avenge your deaths as well as those of Rhaenys and Aegon...," The woman, Lyanna of House Stark whispered as a single tear rolled down her face, remembering her husband, dear sister-wife friend, and the two children she would have gladly called her own. 

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