~Chapter 11~

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"I know he is still alive, but I think it is best that I leave for Westeros soon. The dragons will be going with me." I said as I walked through the halls of the castle with the Emperor and Empress, watching as the servants were packing my things and the army and navy were getting ready to deploy as well for my daughter. "It would be wise to rest outside the coast of Dorne, that way it won't raise alarms with the Westerosi." The Emperor said as a servant ran in, bowing before handing me a letter. "It's from Katsuhito....it seems that Myrcella Baratheon is not like her mother, that is good. Ned knows I am alive and will help when the time is right...WHAT?!" I yelled out in shock, rereading that part over and over before putting the letter down. "There was an attempt of Visenya's life. She puts blame on the faith of the Seven because of what has happened here, but she, Katsuhito and Kimiko believe that it may have been a co-conspiracy of both the faith of the Seven and Cersei." I said as the Emperor took a deep breath and sighed, shaking his head.

"That lioness bitch feels threatened by her no doubt. And the faith would want her silenced as well." The Empress said and I sighed as the top generals appeared, bowing before us. "The men are ships are ready, Your Imperial Majesty. Your Grace, we are ready for you. What shall we do about the dragons?" One of the generals asked and I looked at him fully. "They know where to go. No doubt Valyria, then the Stepstones until my daughter calls for them." I said as I gave a bow to the Emperor and Empress and walked outside, seeing the army had been amassed. "Many of you have seen my daughter grow up in the courts of Yin. Many of you know of her parentage and you know what you fight for. A fat stag has taken her throne through unjust means...fight for my daughter, fight for Visenya Targaryen, rightful Queen of Westeros, Second of her Name." I spoke out and the soldiers raised their arms in respect. "Blessed is she by the Maiden-Made-Of-Light!" The soldiers all called out as I walked through the open gap to the ship as the dragons roared and flew over head. 'Elia, Rhaegar, Father, Mother, Brandon....Ned, Benjen...I am coming home.' I thought with a smile as the ships started to sail out of the bay. 


"Welcome to Driftmark.....Your Grace." Lord Monford Velaryon spoke as he and his wife greeted me when I came off the ship. I offered a smirk and came to stop on front of them fully, looking at the ancient seat of House Velaryon, long time allies and distant family members. "Thank you, my lord." I said, throwing aside the Yi Tish accent and speaking with the full Westerosi, Northern accent I had picked up from my mother. "Shall we continue inside?" Lady Helaena spoke as we walked in to the halls of Driftmark, admiring its beauty. I noted the tapestry of Corlys and Rhaenys with a smile on my face. 'Lord Corlys was right...history will only remember the names not blood of people.' I thought before going into the main sitting room of Driftmark and sitting down as Katsuhito sat to my left and Hiroto sat on my right. Lady Masako sat next to Katsuhito, Riko sat next to her and Kimiko sat next to Hiroto. "Now...what do you plan on doing about reclaiming your throne?" Lord Monford asked, cutting right to the chase as Lady Helaena had the servants place cups of tea in front of us all. "The Emperor has given permission for his army to fight for my cause. The North and Dorne also stand with me, your ships will no doubt be a good addition as well." I said, taking a sip of the minty flavored tea.

"And by the North, that also means the Riverlands, if Lady Stark knows-" "She knows." Katsuhito and Kimiko said at the same time. "Good. When, not 'If', you do claim your throne...what will you set about doing?" Lord Monford asked and I sat straighter. "The trade with Yi Ti will still stand, I plan to continue the works of Queen Alysanne Targaryen in terms of the women's courts and I will personally hear their plights and issues, allow the building of schools for all, not just men, fix up Flea Bottom and turn it around. Fix up the Night's Watch...there is something out there coming and we ALL must be ready for it. Establish the right of 'Absolute Primogeniture' that Dorne follows so that if a lord only has daughters, they can still inherit the titles and lands. And create a system of ambassadors and diplomats to help in trade and other negotiations throughout Westeros and Essos." I said, listing off everything, making Lord Monford and Lady Helaena look very surprised. "The last one I thought of on my way here....the reason is because of Princess Myrcella. A young girl of her age would only be occupied with dolls and dresses, yet she went out of her way to make me feel more welcome than the adults of the Red Keep did. She has brains and I know other women in the realms do to." I said, taking another sip of my tea. 

"And you are right. You have the makings of an Aegon I, Jaehaerys I, Daeron II, and Queen Alysanne." Lady Helaena said with pride and I smiled. "What will you do about a consort? Surely you have someone picked out already? The Martell princes Oberyn or Quentyn would be a good choice? Lord Renly Baratheon, a Tyrell even?" Lord Monford asked as I put my cup down and I spared a glance to Hiroto who looked beet red before looking back at the Velaryons. "Prince Oberyn has his Lady Ellaria and is more of an uncle to me....I do not know Prince Quentyn very well and in another life, we could have been good together. Renly has his preferences and I will not pull a Rhaenyra Targaryen on the realms again and Tyrells burn easy under dragon fire. For now, I wish to only start the reclaiming of my throne." I said, moving one of my hands under the table and to Hiroto's lap where I grabbed his hand and squeezed it in reassurance. "You have my support, no matter what." Lord Monford spoke as the doors opened and his half-brother walked in with a letter. "A letter from Kings Landing...Stannis and his daughter are returning to Dragonstone and they wish to meet our...guests." Now I was scared, what and why did Stannis want to see me and how did he even know I was here in the first place?

" Now I was scared, what and why did Stannis want to see me and how did he even know I was here in the first place?

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/\ Visenya meeting the Velaryons /\

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