~Chapter 10~

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'Leave it to Cersei Lannister to throw a fit and blame it on someone else.' I thought as I walked around the gardens when a flash of purple stopped me and I looked over, feeling the air get sucked from my lungs. "Ashara?" I turned and saw Ser Selmy standing there, looking at the young woman in shock. "You see it too, ser?" I asked and the old knight nodded before we both looked over at her. "You haven't met Lady Harumi yet, have you, Ally? Oh, you will love her." Arianne said as she took my arm and we walked over with Ser Selmy following us and the closer we got, the more I saw her features, though she could pass for Ashara, she did have the look of a Northerner, mainly a Stark. "Lady Harumi, allow me to introduce you to one of my dear friends, Lady Allyria Dayne and of course, Ser Barristan Selmy you already know." I watched as Lady Harumi looked over at us, making Ser Selmy suck in a breath. 

"Ah, the beauty of Starfall." Lady Harumi said as she gave a bow. "Rhaella...." I heard Ser Selmy mutter and saw a brief flash of worry in her eyes before Ser Selmy quickly stepped forward and bent down to whisper something in her ear, which she nodded and gave a grateful smile. "Find Katsuhito, he should be with Lord Stark." Lady Harumi said as Ser Selmy took off and I looked back at her as she waved her hand. "Care to join me for a walk? Hiroto is around here so we do not have to worry." Lady Harumi said as she gave an obvious glare to someone behind a bush which made me giggle. "We would love to." Arianne answered for us and the three of us ladies, with whom I guess is Hiroto, walked through the gardens. Every now and then I spared a glance at Harumi, noticing that she had softer features than Ashara, brown hair, not black, and her eyes were more like amethyst than the dark shade that Ashara's had been, or so I was told of. We spent a good deal of time talking in the gardens, Princess Myrcella, Lady Shireen, Lady Sansa, Prince Tommen and Lord Robin came along as well under the watchful eyes of Lady Catelyn Stark, who seemed to regard Lady Harumi as if she was a long lost family member.


'I swear not to say a word...but please...is it true?' The question of Ser Selmy whispered in my head over and over as I got ready for bed. I told him to seek out Katushito who was with my uncle and ask the same request of him, as something told me I could trust Ser Selmy. As I laid in the bed, I could not help but get the sense of dread washing over me. I remained still as I heard the creaking of the floorboards and reached ever so slowly for the small dagger I kept hidden, grasping it in my hands as the footsteps got closer. They came from the window, not the door....so it was not someone who should be in here. "My reward will be great after this...shame I have to kill this whore for the lies and problems she has brought." I heard a voice mutter before feeling the covers rip off my body. I acted fast, kicking the assassin the groin before plunging the knife in his side. "ASSASSIN!" I screamed out as I ran for the door while the assassin howled in pain before tripping me. Right as he got to me again, the knife still in his hands, the door burst open and the assassin was quickly knocked to the ground and unconscious as Katsuhito stood over him while Hiroto helped me up. 

The next day, I wore a Targaryen colored kimono and stormed into the Red Keep, my things already packed and on the ship as the small party followed me. "What is the meaning of this?" The fat stag demanded when he saw the would-be assassin tied up and Hiroto, not even gently, threw the assassin to the steps of the Iron Throne. "An attempt was made on my life, while I am a visitor in this city. He still refuses to say who it was who hired him, but I have some suscpions." I spoke in a firm tone as the fat stag glared down at the assassin as other lords came in and from the corner of my eye I saw both the Queen and the septon look paler than normal. 'I won't bother accusing the queen....let that onryo have her instead.' I thought before standing straighter. "When I first came here. I was accosted by members of the Faith of the Seven and when I presented the issues they had caused in my home of Yi Ti, it was nearly dismissed. MY PEOPLE were forced to convert to worshipping seven demons and then enslaved to other realms, Lys, Ghiscar, Mereen, Tyrosh, Myr, Pentos, Volantis and even to the brothels in Oldtown and places along the western coast!" "Lies! This whore lies!" The septon cried out as I turned to fully glare at him while Katushito and Hiroto had their hands fully on their swords. 

"It is not lies! I have the words right here in my hand from those who managed to escape." I said, pulling out the letters and I watched as the septons face paled even more so. I turned back, not once letting my glare up and I could see Ser Jaime flinch from where he stood next to the fat stag. "I truly appreciate everything that your daughter has done and the amount of decorum and welcoming she put into this and I know one day, she will grow to be amazing diplomat and lady, should she be allowed that future. The trade agreement can still stand, but will be in the Emperor's hand now." I turned to leave, finally finding myself done with this whole thing when Hiroto ran forward and I turned to see him swipe the head off the assassin who tried to run at me. "ARREST HIM!" "STAY WHERE YOU ARE, MEN!" Ser Jaime ordered the guards who stood still, not moving at all and I watched as the head rolled on the ground before resting. "Put that on your traitors gate." Hiroto snapped before turning and we all left the keep and down to the docks where a sight greeted me and the anger I felt vanished. Lord Tyrion was standing there, wearing purple and very dark green with a sprig of purple wisteria in his hands while Princess Myrcella a true, traditional kimono of red with golden orchids and embroidered orange suns at the center of the flowers and her hair done up in the real style of Yi Tish ladies. 

"Farewell on your journey, my ladies....my lords. This is for you." Lord Tyrion said as he handed Masako the sprig and she gave a coy smile before getting on the boat as I knelt down to Myrcella's height. "Do not let the rules of Westerosi gender control you. Become your own powerful person, Princess. You have that inside you." I told her, taking the golden chrysanthemum pin from my hair and gave it to Myrcella who smiled and held the pin close. "This pin means that you have favor with the Emperor through me." I said before kissing her head and standing up, walking over to the ship and getting on it. I turned back as the ship sailed away from the docks, waving to Lord Tyrion and Princess Myrcella before they finally faded from view. I sighed and walked down to my quarters and sat on my bed, staring at nothing as Hiroto came and sat beside me, causing me to lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. "That will not be the last time I spill blood for you..." Hiroto said as he kissed my head and held my hand.

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