~Chapter 2~

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*Picture is Visenya's Grand Feast kimono* 

Red Keep, Kings Landing

Visenya 'Harumi' Targaryen

"This is the Red Keep?" I asked as I was helped out of the wheel-house and Ser Kevan hummed in acknowledgement before turning and bowing to us. "My ladies, my lords, welcome to the Red Keep. Seat of the ruling houses of Baratheon and Lannister." Ser Kevan said, causing me to cock my head to the side and raise and eyebrow. "Shouldn't it just be House Baratheon? I did not figure the Queen's house held importance like the Kings...no offense, Se Kevan." I asked as Ser Kevan sighed and shook his head. "I told her it would not go over well...The Queen...my niece, Cersei Lannister, insist that her house be equal regardless as she is mother of the future king." Ser Kevan explained as we walked through the halls to the throne room, passing servants who surprisingly gave the proper type of bow and seeing all different manner of flowers around the keep. "Your grand-niece, Princess Myrcella has impeccable taste in flowers...and to have this "Festival" happen the same time as our own spring, is a very nice thing." Lady Kimiko spoke up and Ser Kevan beamed with pride as we were shown into the throne room, where every lord and lady were waiting. "Presenting, the official representatives of Yi-Ti. Lady Harumi, Lady Kimiko, Lady Masako, Lady Riko, Lord Katushito, Lord Hiroto and company...Your Graces." Se Kevan spoke as we all bowed in the traditional way, ignoring the whispers of everyone before standing back up again. "Lord Katsuhito...you and your party are welcome." An elder man with a falcon pin and weird hand pin spoke as the King narrowed his eyes at me. "What is a woman like you doing with this party? Where is your family? Husband?" The king demanded making everyone look in shock as I took a step back before standing straighter.

"Your...grace. I am Lady Harumi...the Emperor's representative, not Lord Katsuhito. I was chosen specially...surely the letter His Imperial Majesty sent detailed everything...did it not?" I asked cocking my head to the side, furrowing my brow as both the king and the...Lord Hand, I guess, looked at each other with concerned faces. "Forgive us, my lady....we received no letter explaining anything...I will have to check with the rooks again." The Lord Hand spoke as I produced a letter from my sleeves and offered it to Lord Renly with a kind smile. "This letter details what you would have known and the reasonings behind it all. And before you ask...I was raised in the Imperial Courts, my parents are from Westeros but my father perished during the rebellion...I do not know what side he was on but my mothers grief was too much that she did not want stay in Westeros any longer. So she paid for a ship journey to Yi-Ti, went before the Emperor who took pity on her plight and allowed to remain and raise me." I quickly explained, hoping to get all that out of the way. "I am terribly sorry for the loss of your Father...regardless of what side he was on...but, you and your party are welcome here. After greeting the other Essosi representatives, you will be shown to the manse you have been assigned to." The Lord Hand spoke and I nodded as Lord Stannis waved his arm and had us follow him to the side of the throne room, watching as others came in and it gave me enough time to check out everyone. The King....was fat....fatter than anything I had ever seen. The Lord Hand wore colors of sky blue and silver with a falcon pin, House Arryn's sigil. I looked over to where the reds and golds of House Lannister were very...obvious and looked them over. The Queen wore what seemed to be a fail recreation of our traditional kimono dresses...in red and gold with an obvious lion sigil and the young boy standing next to her seemed to match in every way, including the sneer. But the younger two seemed more...active and attentive...watching everyone with wide and happy expressions. The young girl wore a dress in very similar fashion to our kimonos, but hers was a light pink color with yellow-orange sun patterns and a darker yellow under color and the boy stood next to her, wearing colors of House Baratheon. Both shared equally darker blond hair than the Queen and older brother and from the light, their eyes were a sea-green...tilting more towards blue than green. As if sensing my eyes, the younger girl turned and looked at me and smiled which I returned before moving my gaze to others. 

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