~Chapter 8~

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Kings Landing


'Lady Masako...Gods, I have never met a woman like her. Not even Tysha. There was something about her that no other woman, whore or not, held.' I thought as I took a sip of my wine when I heard soft humming and looked over the corner, seeing the very lady sitting by the balcony, nursing one of those...sake drinks that even I could not stomach, and I could hold my drink. "Are you going to stare or finally say more words to me, little lord?" I could tell she called me something in the YiTish tongue and I bucked up courage and walked over, offering a bow which she returned with a smile on her face. 'That is a dangerous smile.' I thought as I stared at Lady Masako. "Tell me, how did...one like your young lady, Harumi, become not only an ambassador, but honorable member of the Imperial Family?" I asked and Lady Masako hummed before looking out at the open window. "Her family ran from here during the rebellion. Her father had supported Prince Rhaegar and it put a target on his back...sadly he died before Harumi was born, her mother managed to make it to our lands, where I helped nurse both of them and later took her on as a student." Lady Masako explained and I nodded. 

"I see. Well, she certainly has brought a lot of changes, mostly good, if I might add. I have never seen my niece so enthralled in a custom nor traditions than your own...and I do apologize for my sister's lack of..." "Decorum? Acceptance? She is not the first nor would she be the last." Lady Masako said with a shoulder shrug. "Even in our own country, there are those who do not like we still keep to traditions and instead should embrace new ideas. Last time that happened, half my people were enslaved to seven demons that are nearly forbidden in my country." Lady Masako explained and I nodded, knowing about what had happened and how foolish it was for the septons to do such a thing in a very foreign land. "I'm on your side when it comes to that...the seven, especially since the topple of the Targaryens, have tried to grow bolder with their speeches and my good-brother refuses to do anything about it." I said with a sigh in my breath and Lady Masako smiled slightly before offering me a sip of her...sake drink. "I wonder if your soldiers are so formidable because of this drink." I coughed and Lady Masako threw head back with a laugh when we heard a throat clearing and I turned, offering a smile to my brother, Jaime. 

"Jaime, Lady Masako, Lady Masako, Jaime."  I introduced the two and Lady Masako gave a bow while Jaime nodded his head. "So, you are the famous...kingslayer. Tell me, how did it come to that? I will not judge until I know the full story." Lady Masako asked and Jaime raised his eyebrows before sighing and leaning against the railing. "At the time...the rebellion of Robert Baratheon was happening in full force and both sides had victories. When news reached about the battle of the Trident, the king drove further into an already spiraling madness and sent his wife and second son, Viserys, away while he started on what he called his 'Wildfire Plot.' He named a pyromancer and also a madman named Rossart to the position of Hand of the King in the process." Jaime explained and I could see the look of shock on Lady Masako's face. "Wildfire...murky green, burns dark with emerald, jade and green flames, hard to put out, even with water." Lady Masako said in shock and Jaime nodded. "He kept screaming 'Burn them all' and I could not take it anymore...I killed Rossart but strangling him with his own chain, and upon the realization that Aerys would simply give the order to burn the city down to another pyromancer, I returned to the Red Keep and murdered Aerys myself in the throne room, mere seconds before soldiers from the westerlands entered. I did not do it for my father, but for the people...I just wish I had known what else would have happened, I would have done more." 

"You saved thousands of innocents from death. You gave your honor to save them....I think that warrants a drink in my opinion...here." I watched as Jaime took a swig before choking while Lady Masako laughed. "Your brother had the same reaction when he first tried it." Jaime glared at me while I simply shrugged. "Well...this certainly is a surprise. Tyrion, I can understand wanting to be around a whore, but you, Jaime?" Lady Masako's smile turned into a harden glare as Cersei appeared with Father and I tried to bite back a groan. "Whore? Oh that sounds original....try insulting me better next time, Lady Lannister." Lady Masako said with a fake smile that gave me chills and from the corner of my eyes, Cersei's eyes narrowed. "It is 'Your Grace' when you address me, or 'My Queen'." Lady Masako scoffed and stood straighter. "Only the king is called 'Your Grace' and you most certainly are not my queen, even if I am a 'guest' in this place." Lady Masako said, not backing down and I tried not to smile while Jaime had a shocked expression on his face. "Why you-" "Be quiet, Cersei. Lady Masako, I apologize for my daughters insults and hereby extend a....welcome to Casterly Rock. To see the might of House Lannister and the wealth of the Westerlands." I felt there was more to Fathers invitation and I could tell that Lady Masako agreed with me as she gave a fake smile. "Unfortunately, we have orders from the Emperor to return as soon as the festivals are over. Perhaps another time?" Lady Masako said as she walked past, but even bothering to bow to either Father or Cersei, but did bow slightly to Jaime and sent me a wink. 'Oh....oh I like her.' I thought, ignoring Cersei's scoffs and Father's glare. 


"Visenya, get off!" "Riko! What is the meaning of this?" I tried not to laugh as Visenya had tackled Hiroto to the ground while Katsuhito was being held back by Riko. "You two are not going to do anything stupid." Visenya growled out and I shook my head. "Clearly the Lannister elder thought he was...smart. But I know the phrase 'I plan to hold you hostage until my demands are met' in any language really. But, should that have happened...what happened to Houses Reyne and Tarbeck would have seen like nothing compared to what the emperor would have done to House Lannister and the whole of the Westerlands." I said with a shoulder shrug and Kimiko agreed with me. "We have to plan what to do next as the festival is coming to an end soo." Kimiko said as Hiroto managed to switch with Visenya and held her close now while Katsuhito shrugged Riko off and sat in a chair, looking annoyed and tired. "House Velaryon will be meeting with us...there is also that red woman who mother said wants to meet with me." Visenya listed and we all gathered around, talking in the YiTish language as to not rouse suspicion. 

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