Job Trouble

245 11 8

I wake with a jolt, my heart racing as I worry about the time. Looking up at the clock I see it's not as bad as I thought, a little later then I'd like but still plenty of time to get ready.

My stomach grows as I get up but I ignore it trying to shush it. There's no food, I just have to focus on paying rent and staying somewhat warm and dry.

I pull my work clothes on noticing the way the fabric doesn't fit as firmly anymore. I pull the ties as far as I can at the back but it still feels like a bag on me.

I sigh and ignore the bare bench that would usually hold at least some bread. There's no use thinking about food when there is none.

I have to grab the hand rail as I head out the door. The wind is strong and freezing cold. I have to sprint even as I'm unsteady so I can avoid falling to the ground.

I nearly do fall several times before I get to the gate. The guards seem surprised to see me. One grabs my arm and helps me steady myself as I nearly fall again.

"You okay?" One of them asks

I pull away and create some distance. I don't like being touched, especially not by these beings.

"Yes, I'm good. Just heading to work" I say looking to the gate.

They look towards each other with concern but all I feel is annoyance that they haven't opened it yet.

"You sure your okay to be out here, it's pretty cold for a Flita?" The other guard asks.

I ignore them and head to the gate waiting for them to open it.

"What a stubborn thing, should just stay at home in this weather." The first one says before opening the gate.

I head through and soon make it to work.

No one even glances at me as I walk to a station. I'm pushed away and someone grunts as I head to another spot. I try several all getting the same response before the guy with the baby calls out.

"Hey Valor over here?" He calls pointing to a spot at his station.

Looking over to the supervisor I quickly take up the spot seeing their cold eyes on me. The last thing I need is to be pulled aside for not working.

"So that couple bought the baby, they found a Flita women who was raised with their kinds who's got milk too!" He says seeming happy as I try and force a smile.

I grab a pair of gloves and start wrapping the hot bread buns. For a moment I'm tempted to sneak one. Some are so small afterall I could eat them in a single bite.

"So she's got a mother now and the couple said they would send me a photo every few years. I'm not aloud to go see her though." He rambles as I nod not really listening.

I don't take a bite despite my hunger, keeping a roof over my head is more important then a piece of bread. I try and ignore my stomach as it growls glad for the sounds of the factory blocking it out.

I try and keep my mind distracted as I work half listening to the guy rattling on about his baby. He doesn't really seem to care if I'm paying attention or not and everyone else seems rather quiet.

I jump as I'm startled by a hand on my shoulder. It's too large to be Flita, so I'm slow as I turn my head to look at them.

It's one of the supervisors, and he doesn't seem too happy.

"Come with me!" His voice says sternly as another Flita comes to take over my station.

I walk quickly as his hand pushes me forward. It's still an hour till the shift is over but I can't of done something wrong right?

We soon reach a room I've never been in, would never dare to enter. There are a few voices speaking inside that I can't make out.

They stop as the supervisor opens the door and we walk inside. My body feels tense and on edge as I'm led to sit in a seat.

"Ah this the one with the tempory collar?" A women says as my arm is raised into the air.

I'm trembling at this point wishing the ground would just swallow me whole. The bracelet on my arm falling slightly down my skinny arm.

"Seems it, wonder why it's here?" Another, a man asks.

I collapse to the ground as the grip on my arm releases and I forget to keep my balance. They all chuckle and I move to stand as fast as I can.

"Why are you here Flita?" A man asks seeming annoyed by my presence.

I frown and keep my eyes low, none of these people are Flita, and they clearly don't think much of my kind.

"To work" I say as a whisper.

They glance to each other then point to the door.

"You should leave, your labour isn't needed here or the other business.." the women says as my eyes go wide and my legs feel weak.

"I'm fired?" I mumble as the supervisor starts pushing me towards the door.

I'm soon outside and the door is shut in front of me. Knocking frantically I try and get my days earning but a guard soon appears and tells me to leave.

Feeling devastated I trudge my way back towards the gate. The guards ignore me as usual on the way out and tears are falling from my eyes as I see a car pull over beside me.

Great what now...

"Hey Valor, you okay?" Draino asks making me groan and pick up my pace as I start to shiver.

He gets out and walks over in front of me. I nearly bang into him in my rush to get home.

"What happened?" He asks and I sigh and stop walking.

It's silent between us for a moment before he speaks again.

"Would you like a ride, it's pretty cold out here?" He says calmly and I can't help but nod at least wanting some level of kindness.

1050 words

Written 1 November 2022

Published 4 March 2023

A rough life for a human pet Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora