Settlying in ii

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It feels weird not having anywhere to be or anything to do, like a weight is off my shoulders. But yet I feel somewhat unnerved at the same time. I've never not had things to worry about, from finding a job to keeping a roof over my head. There was always something.

But now here I am, warm, dry, and a full stomach. And I don't even have to work for it... Draino will just give me these things for free. Well, at the cost of being his pet.

I'm staring out the window as snow continues to fall as I feel tired. My eyes blink, and I am struggling to stay awake in the warm room. I'm sitting on the window couch with a comfy cushion below me. Much nicer than my old wooden seats in my old home.

But I miss it too, even if the place was falling apart it was still home. My home I had lived in for years, that I had done my best to decorate and make cozy even with my limited supplies.

Now I don't even have my old clothes, torn up and thrown in the bin. As Draino said, it doesn't look good for me to be dressed so poorly. That they won't keep me warm enough if I need to go out.

It's one of the things I'm discovering I hate about this. It's nice and all having to not worry about my safety, but my life belongs to Draino. He's the one in control.

Though he doesn't seem very controlling so far. He didn't even push me this morning on the whole eating meat thing. Though I don't know if how he's going to get once I've been here a bit longer. Will he be stricter? Maybe expecting me to follow commands or do 'tricks'?

Though that doesn't seem like him, it's hard to tell. I barely know him other than that he would sometimes give me extra snacks on the house when he saw me come into the shop. I would always refuse them, of course, which I know other Flita would never do. But pride and all...

"You alright there, Valor? You can sleep if you're tired." Draino says, looking up from his computer as I yawn again.

I jump up from the spot where I'm sitting in lightly, slapping my face to wake myself up. Since when did I get so lazy as to want to sleep in the middle of the morning. I huff and head down the hall to the bathroom, splashing water on my face.

It's nice and cool helping me feel more awake and alert. Now, to find something to do. Looking around, I see locks on various cupboards, so I guess cleaning is not an option.

I wander out of the bathroom, heading down the hall further and towards the front door. I know it's cold out there, but it shouldn't be as bad with my nicer clothes on.

The door opens easily, and I make my way outside, shivering at the cold. I'm sure it's no colder than usual this time of year, but having just come from the warmth inside, it feels freezing.

Heading out past the porch, I watch as snow falls from a dark white sky. There's something beautiful about it even if it's very dangerous.

Nearly slipping as I go down the first step, I decide to sit and just watch from here. It's cold sitting here, but it feels a bit suffocating being inside with Draino.

He means well, but I like having freedom, and I would like to at least pretend I still have some. Though maybe I'm just bored, I'm not sure what to do other than wander around.

I don't want to start sleeping all the time either. That's how your body gets weak. I don't want to get weak in case I need my strength in the future. There might be a way I can get my freedom back, though I doubt it.

Not that it really matters anyway, I belong to Draino now, so even if I run, I'll be bought back here. He said he got into trouble when he had to take me to the vet... maybe he would again. That doesn't seem fair on him.

"Valor, what are you doing out here?" I hear a voice say from behind me.

I can tell it's Draino without even turning around. The way he speaks is distinct to the way other Franus speak. Deeper then the Flita, but his is less angry than some at least.

"I'm watching the snow, am I not aloud to?" I reply, still avoiding looking his way.

He sighs, and I notice him kneel down beside me out of the corner of my eye. I guess he's trying to get down to my level.

"It's cold out here, you can watch from inside where it's warm," He replies, and I dodge his hand as he tries to pat me.

I side eye him, seeing a slight smirk at my expression. I guess he's amused by my reaction to his trying to show me effection.

I smile and get up as he does and follow him inside. He opens the door and then waits for me to go inside. It's strange going inside to somewhere warm.

"I came to find you since it's lunch time -" He says, but I cut him off.

"But I'm full, I don't need to eat again yet." I argue heading towards the lounge rather than the dining room.

He blocks me, and I scowl as he has his hands on his hips. He raises an arm and points with one of his blue fingers towards the dining room

"You don't have to have much, but you do need to eat." He states, and I begrudgingly head into the dining room.

A plate is pushed in front of me, and as he said, it's not that much. Some crackers with some kind of jam on them. I'm easily able to finish them even if it feels weird to eat more than once in a day.

What next is going to expect me to eat three times in a day? I didn't even eat that often back with my parents, and those were the better days.

1047 words

Published 7 May 2023

Written 7 March 2023

A rough life for a human pet Where stories live. Discover now