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I quickly make my way back home as it starts getting dark, hating that I still haven't been able to find a job. But I guess at least I still have a few days till rents due.

I look at my apartment door with suprise and concern as I see the landlady leaning against the door. She has a look of irritation on her face that I can't help but feel nervous about.

"What are you doing here? Give me your key now!" She screeches as I tense up and grab it out of my pocket.

She has her hand out as I slowly approach.

"Why, what did I do?" I mumble, seeing the scowl deepen on her face.

She snaps her fingers, and I look out to the street, feeling scared. I can already see snow starting to fall. I need to get indoors.

"You've been causing trouble going around businesses. Besides, you don't really need this place, do you?" She chuckles as she points to my wrist, and I frown, looking down at the cursed bracelet.

I try pulling it off again, desperately tugging at it to no avail.

"Please, can I at least get a blanket?" I beg pleasingly knowing how cold it's going to get tonight.

I bring my shaking hand up, and she quickly snatches the key out of my hand, storming off.

"And stay away, if I catch you around here, I'll call the authorities!" She calls out, and I dash off away from my only safety from the biting cold.

I stop after a while and collapse to the ground, already feeling the cold eating away at my strength. I see my breath as it shakily comes out.

I'm so cold...

I feel snow falling around me as my body starts to feel stiff. I'm shivering violently as I stare up at the sky.

What did I do wrong? Why does everyone hate me...

I hear heavy footsteps and force myself to my feet. It's the steps of a Franus man by the weight and volume of it.

Is it the authorities, will they take me away? Is it one of them who would hurt me?

I move away slowly, feeling tired, and my stomach hurts. I guess the cold and my hunger are making me weak.

I stumble as a voice calls out to me.

"Valor, what the hell... why are you out here? " the voice says, but I just feel my eyes start to close.

I wake up later, startled seeing a bright light above me. I blink, then relax slightly at how nice and warm it feels.

"Hello, Valor, is it? I'm Dr Greta, and I'm glad to see you're awake." A woman's voice says.

My head feels dizzy as I force myself to sit up. She looks concerned but keeps her distance as I look around to try and get my bareings. I'm in some kind of medical room.

There's Flita anatomy images on the wall, images with smiling Flita that send a chill down my spine.

She watches me closely, but just as she turns away, I bolt. I can't afford medical care, so I have to take my chances with trying to get out of here.

The glass door opens, and I burst out. But before I can get much further, I slam into something or someone firm.

I back up, looking around violently, trying to find a way out of this place. The more I see, the more concerned I grow. To the side, I even see cages, and I fight someone's grip on me as I see Flita trapped in cages in the room.

"Valor, calm down, it's alright," I barely make out through my fear and panic.

I ignore the voice and keep trying to hit and kick against the person.


I hear a sound and go still as it rings near my ears.

"Valor, settle down! You're upsetting the other Flita, " the woman says, and I turn to face her.

She's got a stern look on her face as she walks over. I try and back up, but the crouched figure keeps hold of me. I can't move.

"Do you want me to collar her for you?" She says as I breathe heavily.

She turns, and I see her grab something off a table. She comes closer, and I close my eyes as I expect her to hurt me.


I go completely still and silent as I feel the strange material against the skin of my neck. My hand moves up to touch it, but the figure holding me grabs my hand to stop me.

"Valor, don't you take it off!" The voice says sternly.

It's masculine. I notice and turning my head, I realise I'm right when I think it might be Draino. I sigh and grumble, hating this feeling of being trapped.

Sure, he's never hurt me, but why is here?

"Why are you holding me?" I ask, trying my best to keep my voice calm and steady.

I yelp as I'm picked up. Draino takes me back into the room we were in before. The lady is there too now, and she grabs some things as Draino stands by the door.

"I found you half frozen, Valor," He says, sounding serious as he crosses his ams over his chest.

Something is pushed gently into my ear. At first, I go to move away, but Draino scowls, so I stay still. The lady then places her first two fingers on my wrist and then writes something down.

"Other than the low weight and malnutrition, she seems fine now. You need to make sure she eats enough and don't let her out again. Next time, I will be reporting you for neglecting her!" The lady says, looking Draino in the eyes with a serious look on her face.

I feel confused as they both seem to ignore me. I still don't understand why Draino is here and what this place is.

"Can I go home now?" I ask, seeing Draino look down at me sadly.

"Yes, Valor, I'm taking you home now," he says, opening the door.

1024 words

Written: 2 December 2022

Published: 31 March 2023

A rough life for a human pet Where stories live. Discover now