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It feels good to have so many supplies that we start snacking on some of the food and even enjoy a nice fruit drink together.

Everyone smiling and happy, even Melda and Heth, who didn't want to make a big thing of taking supplies, are happy.

Being helpful feels good, especially as we start wrapping up supplies into small bundles to take out to the streets. We won't be able to help everyone, but even one person not dying is better.

"Okay, it's all packed up and ready to go." Scarlet states, getting up as we follow, placing our plates in the sink to be cleaned later.

Everyone takes some of the packages and places them bags. As the very start of the morning light starts to show, we rush out the door. It will be light out soon, and we will be seen doing this, which we don't want.

"Let's start down 5th road!" Felix states as we follow behind him.

There's a group that collate around there at the moment. They won't stick around long being spotted by the Franus who will either bother them, or maybe even round them to take them away...

It's freezing, and the Flita are shivering even worse then we are as we get to them. They barely even notice us at first but smile as we bring food to them.

Melda pulls her bag open and grabs up a large emergency blanket, and places it around the three of them. It's a tight fit, but they snuggle in close.

"Thank you, this is so helpful!" One of them, a young woman, states as some colour starts to return to her face.

Felix grabs a few food packages, and they beam with happiness as they open it and see the food inside, quickly eating what they can.

"Hopefully, we can get this mess sorted out soon. This is stupid!" Felix states, and I can see Melda scowling at him and his words.

She knows what he's talking about, a rebellion. But it won't go well, and we shouldn't try and anger the Franus.

I should say something... but would they see through my disguise. They would hate me if they knew I was I pet, I'm sure. I can just go and live with Draino, after all.

We keep going. The next group is slightly larger but has a fire going. It's about ten Flita going worn down and tired. They also have an angry look on their faces through a woman holding a bundle on their lap.

"Hello, we have supplies," Melda says, hoping not to scare them into thinking we are a threat.

They turn seeing us and are immediately on guard. The woman stays seated as the others make a wall between her and us.

"We have nothing for you to take, so don't even bother!" A man snaps aiming a piece of plywood our way.

I back up startled, but then the bundle let's out a croaky cry, and I look that way. The woman holds the bundle closer, trying to soothe what must be a small child.

"Is the child okay, I'm a Dr and have medical supplies. I can help if you'll let me," Melda says, sounding concerned as she tries to look closer at the child.

They look at her warily but then separate, and she rushes forward towards the child. Heading close myself, I see the child's face is red with fever.

A little girl about five years old, such a young age to be on the streets. The Franus would likely snatch her up regardless of her parents wanting it, especially with her being sick.

"I'll give her some antibiotics for the infection and a painkiller to reduce the fever. We have food for your group too," Melda says, drawing up some liquid into a syringe and replacing the needle.

The girl starts crying, and the mother tries to calm her as snot falls from the child's nose, and tears fall from her eyes.

"Quiet darling, you don't want the monsters to take you, do you?" She mumbles softly into the little girl's ear, and she quiets, sniffling and rubbing her head.

The mother adjusts the girls' clothes, and Melda wipes the area clean, then pushes the needle into her skin. She whimpers but otherwise is quiet as the medicine goes in, and Melda smiles and places a plaster over the spot.

Scarlet has just finished giving out the food supplies for the group as Melda takes some pills out of a blister pack and gets the girl to swallow them. She gives Melda a disgusted look but soon seems a lot more settled and relaxed.

I can hear Melda giving the group instructions for the medication as we start heading off towards the next group. Even if I can understand why they would call the Franus monsters, it isn't really right to scare a child like that.

Though even I've faced their anger or dislike of us. Sure, I don't feel the same fear anymore since being 'rescued' by Draino, but it was terrifying when it happened.

We manage to get to several other groups, a few needing medical care. One man had a nasty wound on his leg that needed stitching. Though Melda was able to clean and stitch it up.

"We want to help you!" Someone in the next group states, and I look to them confused.

It's a group mainly of men a few kids with them. It's the largest we've come across. I guess they have heard of our actions and what we are doing.

"Sorry, we can't take more people. If we get too big, the Franus will bring the hammer down on us," Melda states, trying to be diplomatic about rejecting their offer.

Though they don't seem convinced and scoff at the idea of keeping things low profile.

"You're having to steal just to help keep people alive. Something needs to be done about it. Let's us know if you need manpower, and we will join you." Another man in the group states seriously, and the others nod in agreement.

It's time to head home...

1028 words

Written 29/12/23

Published 31/12/23

A rough life for a human pet Where stories live. Discover now