Vet visit ii

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The vet looks from me to Draino, and then her eyes move to the tablet. I hear a few taps as her eyes move across the screen.

"There are, but it's better not to force medications on Flita who don't want them if they are not medically necessary," she says as she looks to me then Draino.

Draino rubs his head with his hand as I shake my head. I don't want to take medication. The vet chuckles slightly and looks back to Draino.

"You said in your email that she's struggling to eat enough? I can give you some supplements so she's still getting enough nutrients," she says, grabbing out a pill bottle.

I scowl at the pills, wondering if they are some kind of sedative medication. I've never taken "supplements," so I have no way to know if they can be trusted or not.

"Valor, you can take these either as a pill or add the powder to food or water. They won't do anything to your mind. If anything, they will make your mind feel clearer, " the vet states leaning out to give me one.

I take it hesitantly, looking it over for any strange markings that might show it's something else. Seeing nothing, I lift it up to my mouth and swallow it. It's tasteless and has a smooth texture over it.

"Leave one out a day for her to take. If you force her to take medications now, she will fight you more if she needs them later." The vet continues as Draino listens.

I scrunch my face up as I feel him petting my head, but don't dodge in time. He must be happy I took the pill. I don't feel strange, so I guess it must be fine.

"So... what exactly are these things, and why am I taking them?" I mumble, and the vet smiles as she looks to me.

"You're underweight, and if you're struggling to eat even smaller meals, then you're not going to get enough nutrients. Your body needs various nutrients it gets from food to healthy, " she states, and I consider the information for a while.

I've always known that eating is important. I get tired more easily when I haven't eaten enough, and my stomach hurts if I go without. It makes sense that food has things my body needs, but...

"How much do these supplements cost? Is it going to be expensive?" I ask nervously worried it's going to mean I'm even more of a burden.

I feel upset as I look between the vet and Draino. I hate being a burden... keeping his house warmer, feeding me several times a day, and now these supplements.

"It's not something for you to worry about, Valor!" Draino snaps, and I look to the floor as I try and hide my tears.

I don't want Draino or the vet to see me cry. I don't want to seem weak, but I just hate this. I hate that I need yet another thing given to me by Draino...

"Valor... I'm sorry I snapped at you. I just don't want you to be stressing out about things you don't need to, " Draino saying coming over and kneeling down.

I turn my head and move my arm over my face. A sob I've been trying to suppress bursts out, then more as I start full-on crying.

"It's a big change for her, moving from having to fight for everything she needs to having it supplied instead. A lot of Flita struggle with the transition, especially when they haven't done well on their own, " the vet states looking at her watch.

I gasp as I'm scooped up by Draino. He pulls me in close as I sob. It feels nice in a way, but I don't want to like it.

"I'm fine, I'm fine! Put me down, " I mumble through sobs pushing against him slightly.

I'm not really putting up a real fight. Besides, I know I can't get down unless he lets me. He's running his hand down my back as he carries me out of the office.

I push my head against his chest as we walk past other Franus and Flita. My hair covering my face, Drainos hand moving over my head now. I'm too upset to try and avoid it.

"It's alright, Valor. You're gonna be okay now, " he says softly as he opens up the car and sits me down in my seat.

For a moment, I hold tight to him, not wanting him to let go as I keep crying. Then let go as I realize how clingy I'm being. Since when did I want to be held?

I wipe my eyes, them stinging slightly as I look out the window. Draino is driving now, focused on the road but glancing back at me every now and then.

It's not long till we get to Drinos, I guess our place. I'll be stuck inside within the inner or outer walls.

He must think I'm weak, first having to rescue me cause of finding me freezing to death. Now, seeing me crying all the time, like a baby or small child.

"When spring comes I could go find a job, then I could find a place and you won't need to pay for me to be here anymore" I mutter quickly as Draino comes around and opens my door.

Of course, it's locked. It always is now that I live with him. Even though I can unbuckle myself, I can't get out till he comes around.

He looks absolutely baffled as he lets me out. At first, he moves to grab me, but I dodge him and get out on my own.

"No way, Valor, you live with me now." I hear him say as I move towards the front door.

It's warm as always inside. Draino heads to the kitchen, but I just hop onto my spot with the cushion by the window. It's cozy, and I don't feel like eating right now after all that stress.

1009 words

Written 13 May 2023

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