Waiting on Draino

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It's boring just sitting with my back against the cell wall. It's small, but not so much it quite feels like a cage... it's warm, at least, and I can easily get a drink from a sink on the opposite wall to the door.

I cry out as I'm suddenly grabbed and pushed through the hall by a firm grip on my shoulder. There are so many Flita locked away in here, either looking defeated or scowling at me and the collar on my neck.

I nearly fall as I'm pushed in a larger room. It's mostly bare other than some small tables and a well faded poster on the wall.

"Well, this situation sure is a mess, isn't it?" A man's voice says, and I dart around seeing the Franus from earlier who seemed to be in charge.

He's sitting leaning against the wall by the door. One leg out and the other bent up in front of him. It's oddly casual considering the situation.

"I must apologize though, I should have been paying more attention to capital affairs," He states, and I notice the insignia on his shoulder.

There are five stars in a circle on the outer edge. I've never seen anything like that before. I wonder just how high up in the military he is. Maybe even the general...

"So, have you changed your mind or something about killing me?" I mutter, looking away from the man who must have decided my friends had to die.

He sighs and adjusts his position to be more upright and with his legs crossed.

"No, I dont get any pleasure from killing helpless Flita like yourself. My men aren't very happy about what they had to do either... especially after the situation we just had to rescue a group of Flita from." He says, rubbing his forehead as though in the midst of a headache.

"But I do feel there are some things we need to discuss, little Flita," his voice has a hint of amusement as though teasing me, but I don't take the bait.

I move to the opposite wall and take a seat as well. It weird to stand while someone else is sitting. He doesn't seem to hold any hatred for what happened or at least is trying to keep things relaxed since he's in control here.

"There have been some rather vocal people in the country at the moment. I'm not sure why, but a group formed a few years ago that believes you Flita shouldn't be here... That's why I was out of the capital recently." His voice is serious as he regards me.

I'm not sure why he's telling me this, but all I can do is listen. It's not like I can walk away and just leave.

"I didn't realise they were getting involved with local businesses and manipulating things. I thought they would focus on outright violence, but it seems they had their mind on death by deprivation. " He continues, and I feel on edge.

Is he saying this group had a part in the law change what felt like so long ago. Of course, it would lead to us Flita dying. We were struggling to hold without working for what amounts to nothing.

"There were supposed to be protections in place in the legal system to ensure things couldn't happen to allow someone to pretty much bring back slavery. The business people who voted on it were likely after that side, but these extremists were after causing death." I shudder at the horror of it and knowing it's people pulling strings like that.

He's silent for a moment, and I wonder if he's going to speak again.

"What's going to happen now?" I mumble quietly, pulling my legs in close to myself.

He sighs and looks up to the ceiling. I don't think there's anything interesting up there, but maybe he's just thinking.

"Well, there's two things that need to happen... the first is that the Flita sector is going to be demolished, it's too worn down, and it doesn't meet safety standards. It should have happened a few decades ago. Flita will be held here while we figure something out, and if they want, some Flita could go live with Franus." He states his gaze, returning to me.

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