A snow monster

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"I think it's time you come inside now, Valor," Draino states, and I pout slightly at my fun being over so soon.

It's not even starting to get dark yet, I'll be fine until then. Drainos eyes narrow slightly, and I start heading towards the door. The last thing I want is to end up being stuck inside all winter.

"What are you even doing out there? You have snow all over you. Why did you build that circle thing..." He mumbles as I head inside.

I look back out before he closes the door. I chuckle slightly at how confused he seems. It's only really younger children who do this stuff usually.

"A snow angel and a snow monster! Some say they fight to the death once built, but really, it's just silly nonsense made up by children." I respond walking past Draino, taking my cold weather clothes off.

I go and sit in my spot by the window, enjoying the warmth and even feeling a bit tired from "playing." I know it's silly to play children's games, but it's something I use to take comfort in.

"Come and have dinner, then I'll run a bath." Draino calls a bit later from the kitchen.

I stand quickly and head in the direction of his voice. I don't really feel hungry, but I also don't want to fight him on the issue. It's been a mostly good day, so I want it to end on a good note, too.

Dinner is out when I get there. My plate is on my table, and his on the larger one, of course. I eye the larger table but sit at my own. I'm sure I could sit at that table if I wanted.

"Why did you want spoiled food?" Draino asks suddenly, and I have to think for a moment what he meant.

Did he mean the snow monster?

"The snow monster needs a nose! Food is too expensive to waste so we use food going bad. Some of the kids I played with would argue that it would make the monster weaker so the angel could win." I mumble, starting to eat my food, wondering if he can even understand me.

It's likely better if he can't... I get the feeling this isn't really stuff I should be discussing with him.

"The snow monster and angel are fighting?" Draino responds after finishing his own bite of food.

I sigh and deliberately put more food in my mouth. This is Flita child stuff. What if he takes it too seriously.

"Doesn't matter. It's just a game children play," I say, giving Draino a smile.

The truth is I have no idea why I and several other children played like that. Even children who have never been introduced to it seem to be drawn to the idea of a battle between great powers.

He returns his eyes to his food, and I quickly eat down mine. I feel a little sick as I overeat, but it's soon gone, not even really paying attention to my own hunger level.

I don't even look to Draino as I get up. He's not finished yet, and so I head over to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind me, I try and remember how it works.

I've used a bath before. It's just been a while. Then I see the controls and lean over to reach them. I get one and start to fill out, but the other is a bit too far to reach.

I lean forward to grasp it but lose my balance, landing in the water with a splash. Inside the tub, it's a lot easier to reach the other control.

The waters are not as warm as I'd like it, though, and I'm soon shivering. I try turning off the first control but instead accidentally make the water go faster instead.

"Draino!" I call out feeling worried as the water starts to rise too high.

Rushed footsteps come from outside, then the door opens, and Draino rushes in. The tub is getting deep now, and it's going to overspil.

"Valor, what did you do. I said I was going to fill it for you?" He mumbles, grabbing me under my arms and lifting me out.

Of course, water spills out... and off my clothes.

"I just wanted to do it myself. I don't need you to fill the tub for me, " I say, lowering my head in shame.

He huffs and rubs my head. I guess he's noticed I'm upset.

"Don't do that. This stuff isn't the right size for you to use." Draino retorts as the water gets sucked down the drain.

Then I try and bat him away as he grabs my top. He's quick to pull it over my head, then lower my pants.

"Stop, don't undress me!" I cry out hitting at Draino, not wanting him to see me undressed.

He ignores me, and I'm sobbing as he leaves me naked to grab a towel. I thought he wouldn't do that... I thought he would at least respect me.

"There, I'll run a fresh bath now. You're alright Valor, no need to be upset about it. Everything's fine, " Draino says, holding me close as I cry.

I push my face against his shoulder as I feel ashamed of being undressed. He just holds me until my crying settles. Running a hand down my back as he speaks in a quiet voice.

The waters running, he must have turned the controls on. He looks away and moves his hands towards the water before turning it off again.

"Good girl, there we go. The waters are much better now, " draino states in a soft, quiet voice.

I expect him to put me down and leave the room, but instead, he picks me up. My eyes go wide as I'm lowered into the water.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I mumble, but he just shushes me, grabbing a cloth and putting some soap over it.

I back up in the tub as he tries to touch me. Pulling in close to hide my private areas.

"Just bathing you Valor, no need to be shy about it," He states, holding the cloth out near me.

1037 words

Written May 16 2023

Published September 14 2023

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