A cold night - the Cleric

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I don't really think much of the situation with the guard station. It's weird he would do something like that, but there's no time to second guess it.

The scalf at least will make it easier to hide this stupid collar. I will need to figure out some way to get it off, but at least it won't anger any Flita here or get me sent back to Draino.

Though I need to find a place to rest. I can't stay out in the open, especially now I can see snow starting to fall again.

It's completely dark out now, too, and there's a weird energy to the place. Like something has come in and sucked out any hope or joy. Winter has always been rough, but I don't remember it being like this.

I duck down a street and knock on a door. It's brown paint worn down with cracks and dints in the wood. It's the only place with light coming through the windows.

After waiting for a moment, the door creaks open slightly as a woman looks at me wearily. She's middle aged with some slight wrinkles her blue eyes dulled with time and stress. Her hair tied back with some string to keep it out of her face, even as some odd strands fall by her eyes.

"Give me the coat, and you can stay," she mutters sharply, and I quickly move to remove it.

It may be good at keeping me warm, but it's also something that ties me to Draino.

"Thank you, it's so cold out tonight," I state with relief as I pass her the coat, and she takes in inside and places it down over someone lying over the couch.

They don't look very good, pale skin, and a frail body. A nasty bruise on the side of the face that looks painful.

"Find a place to rest and don't cause any drama, or you'll have to leave," she states, taking one last look at the person before heading into another room.

Look around the lounge room. I head over to an old looking sofa and curl up on it. It's not as comfortable as the window cushions in Drainos' place, but I can coke and go from this place as I want.

The place is silent as I lie there just letting thoughts flow through my head. I wonder who this woman is or who is under my coat now?

Why does she have candles burning neat her windows. How did this person get injured. There are so many different things to ponder. She was also oddly quick to let me inside to stay here.

"Water..." The voice mutters barely a whisper, and I get up and move closer to listen.

He repeats it again, and I look around for a cup. Finding one, I grab it and sneak around and into the kitchen. There, I pump some water into it and rush back to the person.

Bringing the cup to their lips, they eagerly gulp it down.

"What are you doing!" A voice snaps, and I turn around startled to see the women standing behind me.

I stand and take a step back the now empty cup falling to the ground as I drop it.

The person, a middle-aged man, then starts coughing and gagging. The woman turns him to face the floor, and he vomits up discolored water... he's injured.

The bandage over his stomach is saturated with blood. He must have been stabbed.

"You can't give food or fluids to those with stomach injuries... you could be killing him!" She snaps, and I look around nervously.

She sighs as she helps him vomit, blood leaking around the bandages as he is turned on his side.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise," I say sadly, feeling tears in my eyes.

I look around the room again and see a first aid kit. Grab it and hold it out to her. She rubs her forehead and takes it from my hand.

Rummaging through it, she pulls out a needle and threat, and I look away as she pulls the bandage off and starts stitching away at it.

The guy is holding my coat so tightly his skin is white, and he's gritting his teeth as bites into a piece of wood the women placed in his mouth.

"So, are you a Dr or something?" I mumble, but she just ignores me as  while she works.

Finally, I can see her grabbing a bandage, and the guy grunts as she pulls it tight around him.

"Okay, hopefully he will be okay... and I suppose I am a Dr." She states, wiping her brow of sweat as she takes off a pair of gloves I hadn't noticed she was wearing.

She leans back against a wall as she seems exhausted. It's my fault his injury had to be repaired cause I gave him water when I shouldn't have. I thought it was just the bruise on his face.

"Sorry I snapped at you, I should have told you not to give him food or water," she states, getting up and placing some kind of liquid on her hands, then scrubbing them together.

I give a slight smile to try and ease the tension. I guess it's not fully my fault...

"What happened to him?" I ask, and she looks to the man now asleep on the couch.

A serious look on her face as she considers what to say.

"Things are dangerous around here, girl... I don't remember a winter this harsh, and with so many on the streets, he either got in a fight or was attacked by a Franus while looking for supplies" she states harshly making me gulp as it's been a bit since I was here.

How have things gotten so bad in such a short amount of time? Surely, the wage drop hasn't made things so bad.

"I'm not sure what kind of rock you've been under, but no one has any money anymore, I'm even struggling to get what I need," she continues and I look down feeling bad for my people.

1026 words

Written 23/12/23

Published 31/12/23

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