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I get up from the bed a bit later. My eyes red from crying. Things have been so stressful lately, and everything has been turned upside down. Looking around the room, I see a note on the table by the bed.

'Come out once you're ready so we can have dinner - Draino,' the note says, and I frown. How can I the doors locked...

I sigh and get up, heading over to the door. For a moment, I stand in front of it, not sure what to do. He must have come in if he bought the note in, but did he lock the door again. Maybe I fell asleep, and that's why I didn't hear him?

I raise my hand and knock at the door with my fist. I hear footsteps outside, and the door opens. It's Draino, of course.

"You ready to come and eat? I didn't want to wake you when you needed your rest, " He says quietly, watching me with a guarded look.

I sigh and nod my head. I don't really want to eat, but I don't want to be trapped in here either. Weather, it's through my own choice or Draino using the lock...

"Okay... I'm sorry I yelled at you. " I mumble my hand, touching the edges of the collar.

He smiles and turns away towards the kitchen. I follow as we move towards the tables, which have a plate of food on them. Steaming vegetables and some kind of pasta. His has meat, but I'm happy to see mine doesn't.

I sit down, and Draino does, too. It's quite for a moment as we eat in silence.

"I talked to the vet today. She wants to see you again and know how you're doing. I made an appointment for tomorrow since someone canceled, " He states, not looking at me as he eats his own food.

I scowl, I don't want to see any vet. If anything, I just want to go back home... or find a home for myself, I guess. It's all so messy.

"Do I have to? I'm fine!" I grumble, stabbing a vegetable with my fork.

He chuckles. It's annoying and always seems to be when I'm unhappy about something.

"Yes, you do. She rang me auctually and asked for me to bring you in. Considering the circumstances of the last visit, she wants to make sure it hasn't had any lasting effects. I would like to discuss some things with her anyway, " Draino states firmly as he eats a piece of meat from his plate.

I drop my hands onto my legs, my appetite lost. Besides, I've eaten plenty anyway, so it doesn't matter. He did say I don't have to finish meals. Just try and eat what I can.

"So I don't have any choice in this... it doesn't matter what I think or feel, " I mumble quietly, barely a whisper.

Draino looks to me with a frown. He's thinking for a moment as he holds his fork with a vegetable on in the air. Finally, he eats it, and it's silent as he chews and swallows.

"No, you don't, but I do care about your wellbeing, Valor," He says, but I get up and take my plate over to the bench. In a way, I hate wasting food, but I can't stomach the idea of eating anymore right now.

I head down the hall towards my room. Then, seeing the lock, I turn around and head to the front door. Draino can't see me from here, but I get it open and head out into the cold evening.

My jacket and new clothes keep me warm, but being others reminds me of home. I've always known the cold. It may be dangerous, but at least it reminds me of how strong I used to be. Now I'm just crying and sleeping all the time.

And for the second time today, I burst into tears. He says he cares about me, but he locks me in my room, and he says I have to go to the vet... even though I don't want to go.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I shake them away as I back up. It's Draino, of course, but I can barely see him through the haze of my tears.

"Come inside Valor," He says firmly as he tries to reach out for me.

I back up agian and dodge his hands. I want to be outside, I want to make choices for myself!

"No, I don't want to!" I yell a look of suprise forming on his face.

He storms inside, and I sigh, lying down on the cold, wet snow. I'm staring up at the clouds until it starts to grow dark. The door opens again, and I get up quickly as Draino comes over again.

"Valor, you need to come inside. It'll be dark soon," Draino says, coming towards me quickly.

I'm a little slower backing up, the cold making my joints a bit stiff. He grabs me, and his hand is soon around my wrist. I try to pull it away, but my effort is useless. He's too strong.

"Let me go!" I yell, but he instead turns and heads towards the front door.

There's nothing I can do, but I still keep trying to fight his grip as he leads me inside. The door closes behind us, and he beelines straight for my room. I'm not surprised when he gently pushes me in, then closes and locks the door behind him.

I bang on it and yell, trying to shove it with my body even. I hate this... it won't open when I turn the handle, and I doubt I could break out of here. I need some kind of way to get out. Maybe breaking the window?

"Get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a big day." He says through the door, and I just collapse on the floor.

This is the second time he's locked me in here... I thought he wasn't going to unless he needed to for my safety. It's not fair that he suddenly has complete control of my life just cause he's a Franus.

1033 words

Written 19 April 2023

Published 27 May 2023

A rough life for a human pet Where stories live. Discover now