Gathering supplies - the Paladin

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Somehow, I managed to sleep, though my body is slightly stiff as I sit up in the sofa. I guess being a Dr, she's been able to get a set place and be able to get some decent furniture.

"Don't be a fool, you nearly died last night. You can't go back out there so soon!" The woman snaps at the man, and he storms across the room to the door.

I stretch and stand wondering what's happening as they keep arguing. It's bright out, the sun must be shining. The room is cast in a warm yellow light, even though it's not that warm.

It's not freezing, though, as there's a fire going that's dimmed to low embers.

"Should we add more wood to the fire? Um, sorry... what was your name?" I ask, and the two of them look to me, and the woman rubs her head with her hand.

She grabs a single small log from a box and chucks it on the fire. It roars slightly and then settles as the room warms a bit.

"Even I don't have the resources to have a fire going full on all the time. Flita don't have money to come see me lately..." she says, sighing as the fire crackles and eats away at the wood.

"Oh and the names Melda, nice to meet you," she says with a slight chuckle, and I take her hand with a smile as she shakes it.

"Valor," I return, seeing the man heading to the door.

Melda turns around to face the man and scowls with her hands on her hips. She's not impressed.

"What you need supplies, don't you? I'll go and get you some!" He states and places his hand in the air like he's seeking forgiveness.

She groans and snaps her eyes to me.

"This fool is determined to get himself killed. Can you go with him and make sure he doesn't do anything too risky?" Melda asks, and I look to the guy slightly worried.

Melda looks to him with a sharp look.

"Heth, if she says to come back, then you do, got it!" She snaps, and Heth chuckles nervously.

I look between them, glad I at least know their names now. We aren't strangers anymore... but I'm glad I have this scalf to hide the collar on my neck.

It feels like lying... acting like I am one of them, just another Flita struggling when I've been living it up in good conditions. If only Draino hadn't been so controlling and just let me chill.

I head to the door as Heth heads out, holding his side occasionally as he's in pain. His injury must be giving him trouble.

"Let's go, we should collect food and firewood from a local depot," He states, to which I nod, then say yes as I realise he can't see my face.

We head through streets, and in the daylight, I can really see just how much the Flita have been struggling. Heth doesn't even comment as we walk past Flita frozen, curled up in various places.

That could have been me before Draino found me... it's scary to think about.

"Yeah, people die, kido. Try not to look at it, " Heth states, pushing me forward slightly by my shoulder as my eyes catch a young child... perhaps an orphan.

Heth stiffens as a pair of Franus approach, and I'm pulled down an alley as they throw a few bodies onto a cart. I can see anger in the eyes of the Flita around us, but no one would dare to attack them.

"This way, it's not far," Heth states, grabbing my attention, and I follow him as he heads further down the alley.

I always avoided these alleys... it wasn't safe to travel alone, but Heth would stand up for me, I'm sure.

Reaching the end of the alley, we get to another street with huge warehouses. There are Flita guards around, but Heth points out a spot in the fence that is broken.

I head through first, and he follows behind, keeping an eye out for any Franus heading our way. We really don't want to be caught behind the fence here.

"Perfect, the medical supplies are in the building with the green logo," He states as though he knows the layout of this place.

I look to him with a screwed up with, and he laughs quietly.

"I used to work here, moving supplies," He states, and I soften my face, but he just turns and heads towards the building, he pointed out.

Once inside, he starts looking over a piece of paper, grabbing things and passing them to me as he gets more. I place them down for a moment and grab a box to put them in.

No way am I risking getting poked by these needles or having medicine spill on me. I'm not sure what any of this is, but I'm guessing Melda must need it if she's given Heth a list.

"Okay, that's it, let's get out of here!" Heth states, and I fill the objects into the box so I can carry it back.

We head back to the fence, and I place the box down as I move through the place we moved through before.

"Pass it through, and I'll grab it and move away," I whisper, and heth looks around, then moves the box through.

I take it and back up against a wall to a nearby building. Heth moves through, but my eyes widen as I see a guard call out to Heth as they move close.

Heth stops, and the guard says something to him as he raises his arms and pats him down. He keeps his eyes to the guard, and I avoid eye contact.

The guard says something again, and Heth shakes his head. I can't hear anything, but the guard doesn't seem as angry as I thought he'd be.

I let out a sigh of relief as Heth approaches me, looking exhausted, and we head back to Meldas home. He must have pushed himself too far.

1022 words

Written 25/12/23

Published 31/12/23

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