Chapter 1: Bachelorette party.

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Iyana's POV

"Are you sure that you won't get angry at me." I say. "No i won't get angry." says Imenathi. I know she's lying she might get angry after I tell her this so it's important I mentally prepare myself and her for this. "We going to have strippers for the bachelorette party!" "What?!" "Is that a good what or a what the fuck what?" "It's both."

"Please explain cause I'm so confused at your reaction." I say. "Good what because I'm excited that I'll be having entertainment at the comfort of my own home and bad what because why the heck did you have to bring strippers when I already told you i don't want them." she says. "As you know I've never been one to listen to instructions unless necessary so yeah."

"But the..." she says but I interrupt her. "Your husband is not here and it's not like you gonna hoe around and sleep with them unless you guys agreed to sleep with someone else before getting married then i shall understand." "He is gonna be so pissed when he finds out." "Then he shall have to kill me first before getting to you."

She sighs. "Fine I accept." she says. "Of course you were going to accept phela the party is today I just had to tell you because i was forced and i wanted to get your reaction first before you see them." I say and she laughs. "You always find a way to make me laugh even though I'm mad at you." "That's because as your sister its my duty to make sure you happy even though I made you angry and all that." She smiles.

"Ngiyakthanda mtasekhaya." she says. (I love you my sister.) "Thandwa yimi sthandwa." I say. Even though i find it weird that she said that I will enjoy it for now. (You are loved by me.) "You don't find it weird that i just told you I love you." "I do find it weird I'm just choosing to ignore it because we have to confess feelings once in a full moon." She laughs. "Hai mara uyabeda." "Two birds of the same flock have the tendency to flock together so if I don't talk sense what makes you think you better." She rolls her eyes.

"Lets get ready then." she says. "You the one thats supposed to bath so we can do your make up and wear a nice sexy outfit." I say. "What's the theme?" "Sexy." "Please don't tell me I'll walk out naked." "What the bride wants the bride will get." She laughs. "No i don't want that." "Umuhle mtasekhaya so it won't be a bad thing to do." She smacks me. (You beautiful my sister.)

"Hamba uyogeza while I prepare your outfit." I say. (Go and bath.) "Okay fine." she says. "Shave all the necessary parts we don't want to see Bushbackridge when you wear this outfit." She laughs. "Okay." She gets inside the bathroom and i can hear the water running.

I take out the paper bag that is underneath the bed and place it on top. There is a sexy number in here that i know she is gonna love. If she doesn't love it then it's her loss. She has to love it though cause it's a beautiful piece and it wasn't cheap either. I can't believe my sister is getting married in less than 48 hours. I'm so happy for her.

We having her bachelorette party and then tomorrow we have to leave early in the morning so we can get home and prepare for the lobola negotiations. She wanted us to celebrate her last day of freedom before she did the traditional stuff. I would have celebrated day before I walk down the aisle but different strokes for different folks.

She gets out of the bathroom after an eternity. My water bill just doubled right there and then. "I was ready to rescue you." I say. "Child please I'm sure you were deep in thought or thinking about the next thing you can do to spice up the party." she says. "I feel like everything I have planned is more than enough so its not necessary to think more about it." "So what am I wearing?"

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