Chapter 2: Another sign.

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Iyana's POV

I know I always sing the same tune when I'm suffering from a serious hangover and say I'm going to start drinking less but this time I mean each and every word I say cause hah the hangover is real. I dont know why they invented alcohol...more like why you drink too much.

I'm glad that I hired a chauffeur to wake us up and drive us back home otherwise it would have been chai for all of us before we arrive cause mama was going to give us a nice lecture that i know we won't need with our pounding heads. I asked him to call me in the morning the ringtone will be my personal alarm.

I still can't shake over the side chick situation with Imenathi from yesterday. Something tells me that this is serious but the other part isn't willing to dwell too much on it. After all it was a two truths and a lie so the lie had to be pretty good. Let me not dwell on other people's problems and focus on mine that I have left unattended.

I try to get up which is a mission and a half. After what feels like an eternity I get to the bathroom and do my morning routine. After bathing I lotion my body and wear sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. My mother is going to complain about me not wearing a dress but at this point in time I don't care.

I double check to make sure i packed everything for the trip and i take my suitcases downstairs. I find the others drinking coffee and i make myself a cup. I'm not a fan of it but it will do for now. "The hangover isn't killing you guys?" I ask. "Bruh I feel like I've been bashed in the head and forced to stay awake so I don't suffer any concussion." answers Lelethu.

"But then we gotta admit that last night was lit and the hangover is actually worth all the fun we had last night." says Nandi. "Konje wena you a queen of partying so of course you won't find a hangover deadly." I say and we chuckle. One thing about Nandi is that she loves partying and she's that person you would want to tag along to go have fun with cause she brings the vibe to the table.

After pouring my coffee into a cup I take out two painkillers in the cabinet and down it in one go. I definitely need to sleep when I get home cause this is torture. "I can imagine mama's words of I told you not to party this hard but you never listen cause mina I'm inexperienced." says Imenathi. "We all know your mother is very dramatic." I say and we chuckle.

"She is also your mother." says Imenathi. "My mother is very calm and down to earth." I say and she rolls her eyes. There is a knock on the door and it's the chauffeur. He comes in and takes our bags and puts them in the car. "Now I don't regret you hiring a chauffeur." "Darling I was two steps ahead of you guys so you bound to not regret it." They laugh.

"Are you ladies ready?" he asks and we nod. I'm using the drive as an opportunity to sleep cause I'm dying. "Okay then let's get going." We take our handbags and leave without forgetting to lock the door. He opens the door for us and we thank him and get inside. At least we have a big car so we all fit. "Can we pass by Wimpy to buy breakfast." says Lelethu.

"I'll pay for the food and we eating inside." says Imenathi. "Uthi uyadlala." I say in a shocked tone. (Say you joking.) "Yeah I'll pay for it." "Check her temperature guys." Nandi puts the back of her hand on her forehead to check the temperature. "It's normal. Are you okay Imenathi?" she asks. "I'm okay why you reacting this way."

"Cause the Imenathi we know would force us to pay for our meals cause we quote on quote 'working citizens that have money' close quote." says Lelethu. "Lets let her spoil us otherwise we shall be denied such privileges again." says Luthando. "I agree with you babes." I say.  My sister is too nice lately I wonder why though.

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