Chapter 61: It will be okay.

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Nkosinathi's POV

The ringtone of my phone cuts off my peaceful sleep. I wonder who it is at this time of the night. I switch on the side lamp and answer the phone without checking the caller ID.

"Ebsuku nagangaga." I say. (So late?) "Nkosinathi mfwethu ngikuphathele indaba ezimbi." says Cebo. (I have bad news for you.)"What news is that?" I hear some sniffling in the background and i sit up so I can listen properly. "Mkhulu akasekho." (Mkhulu is no more.) I feel my heart drop to my feet if that's even possible.

You know that moment where you feel like you want to wake up from the nightmare but you can't no matter how hard you try to open your eyes it's just impossible. That's how I feel right now but my eyes are wide open. "Usho ukuthini Cebo mowuthi umkhulu akasekho?" I ask. (What do you mean when you say mkhulu is no more.) "Usishiyile emhlabeni." he answers. (He has passed on.) "When?" "A few minutes ago. Ugogo maka khala egumbini lakhe saya sayombheka sathola ukuthi akasekho." (was crying in her room and we went to check up on her and we found him dead.)

I sigh and let the tears fall. "Amambulance wona?" I ask. (The ambulance?) "They are on their way but you know how ambulances are in this country so we will be sitting with a dead body for a while." he answers. "Uright?" (Are you okay?)"How can I be okay after losing my best friend." "I'm sorry for asking it just slipped." "No I'm sorry for snapping at you." We sigh.

"I'll call you later and let you know when we are coming." I say. "Sizokhuluma bafo." he says. (We will talk.) "Sharp." I drop the phone and sigh. I wipe away some of the tears that escaped but that seems to trigger more of them. I put my phone on the nightstand and stand up and walk to the balcony.

I leave the sliding door open and lean on the balcony. His gone just like that. We were planning to go check up on them and yena he decides to leave just like that. Why couldn't he wait until I see him for the last time so I can tell him I love him. He is..was my best friend. If anyone was to get best grandfather of the year award it would be him.

I hear Iyana screaming and i close my eyes for a second. I hear her footsteps behind me and she calls me. I turn to look at her and she's shocked to see that I've been crying. "Talk to me." she says. "Mkhulu is no more." I say and she gasps. "Like gone gone." I nod. She pulls me in for a hug and i bury my head in the crook of her neck and inhale her coconut scent.

"I don't want to say sorry because I know it won't change anything. Just know I'm here for you you can always come and talk to me and I'll sit there and listen. If you want to cry I'll let you cry on my shoulder." she says. I feel more tears escape and she rubs my back soothingly. "Why now? It wasn't his time yet." I say.

"We never know when it's time we just see it when it happens all we have to do is accept." she says and i shake my head no. "He can't...leave me like this." I say. "Lets sit down." I pick her up and close the sliding door and i sit on the chair. She adjusts herself on my lap and she rests my head on her shoulder.

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