Chapter 23: Waiting game.

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Nkosinathi's POV

I wipe away the lone tear that escaped her eye. "It's going to be okay." I say. I pull her in for a hug and rub her back and she sighs. I can't believe that she dated my friend. It still feels surreal but I know she wouldn't make up an entire story about him it doesn't look like she will gain anything from lying to me about him and the fear in her eyes when she mentions his name gives it away.

I don't know how Keketso is with women. He has never opened up and told us about his love life and him being abusive but I've heard rumors about him being abusive but I never really took them seriously. The women never arrested him and opened up about it but I guess those rumours are true. I'm going to deal with him and he will regret the day he thought hurting women is fun.

"Cela uhambe." she says. (Please leave.) "Mmm." "Hamba Nkosinathi." She pushes me away and i walk out. I know she's only kicking me out so I can avoid doing something that's not supposed to be done and she don't like being vulnerable around me because I mean nothing to her. I should have apologized for the way I reacted after the kiss but I have too much pride maybe later.

I was so ready to be angry at her for eavesdropping on my conversation and i was until she said that she has a crazy ex and that crazy ex is a friend of mine that is after her. I don't take threats lightly and i don't know how far he is willing to go to cause harm so I need to eliminate him while its still early. I go to my office and continue with the investigation of the accident.

Turns out it actually is foul play. There was no car that collided with hers. She seemingly lost control of her brakes and she crashed into a big tree and it was a severe crash. I think someone must have tempered with her brakes but who it is I don't know. I don't know where to start with the thing or who to talk to.

Mam Zodwa comes in my office and sits down. "Mngani ka Zinzile." I say. (Zinzile's friend.)  "Don't start with me Nkosnathi ngizokushaya." she says and i chuckle. (I'll hit you.) "Hawu but you are her friend moes or am I wrong." "I'm warning you." "Okay. Unjani?" "Ngiright. I came to check up on you and ask you why the heck there was so much tension in the car."

"You are on your own with this tension thing." I say. "You know exactly what I'm talking about Nkosinathi so start talking." she says. "Okay I got into a fight with Iyana." "Why do you like testing that girl's patience?" "I'm not she's the one who likes testing my patience." "Don't lie Nkosinathi. You sure know how to push her over the edge and she also does the same to you."

"Did you honestly think that this whole arranged marriage thing was going to be blissful from the beginning." I ask. "No I knew it wasn't going to be blissful after I heard it is arranged but you guys are forever in each others necks." "It's not my fault that she starts the fight." "Child please fool someone else not me." "Okay I know I contribute too here and there but if she could listen then we can avoid such."

"You so old fashioned." she says. "I'm not saying that she should listen to everything I say cause I know with somethings she might not be comfortable but some shouldn't be up for debate." I say. "Like what?" "Me taking her to work." "You need to learn to communicate with her properly and not give her one word answers then she will listen." "Sowufuna kakhulu." (You want a lot.)

"She deserves an explanation for this." she says and i sigh. "So are you going to tell me or not?" she asks. "I thought I was doing a great job at swerving the topic." I say and she chuckles. "Never. You can never fool me." "She was eavesdropping on my conversation and she found out that you know I'm not as innocent as I am." "Ohh finally i was having a hard time keeping it a secret." I chuckle.

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