Chapter 22: I believe you.

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Iyana's POV

I hope he isn't into some mafia or gang stuff. Oh shit what have my parents gotten me into. I think I've heard enough already let me just ask him when his going to Andiswa and tag along. I so want to confront him but it's not my business. I knock on the door and he tells the person on the line that they will talk later. "Ngena." he says and i enter. (Come in.)

"What time are you going to Andiswa?" I ask. "Ngizosuka la ngo half past six." he answers. (I'll leave at half past six.) "Oh okay." I so want to ask him but I should leave it right it's not like we have a close relationship where i can inquire about such. "What else do you want?" "Nothing that's all." I turn around and leave. I should have asked him but knowing us it would lead to a fight of some sort so it's best I drop it.

I go to the backyard and sit on the patio. I'm still bothered by this whole getting hands dirty thing. What if maybe I'm overthinking about this whole thing and his just saying something else. But who am I kidding? We all know when you get your hands dirty it means doing some illegal shit in order to get what you want.

If i find out vele that his into some illegal stuff will I still stay. There is no answer to that question cause I'm bound to stay forever whether I want to or I don't want. Our ancestors recognize our union and our families think it will work out and Mam Zodwa also has raised her hopes up. Can't wait to burst everyone's bubble. This marriage is not going anywhere.


"Iyana come eat so we can go to the hospital." says Mam Zodwa. I've been sitting outside for the past hour or so. I stand up and stretch myself and go inside the house. If he does illegal stuff it would make sense as to why he is always about will make your mind explode with all these thoughts.

I go to the dining room and find him there. I sit down and start eating. You know when you have this urge to do or say something but you so badly want to control yourself cause you scared you might do something you might regret but still the need to know overpowers the rational thoughts. "What did you mean when you said you going to get your hands dirty?" I ask. Hai shem I couldn't hold it in my good people.

"Mmm." "I overheard you on your phone earlier saying that you going to get your hands dirty." I say. "Why were you eavesdropping?" "I wasn't I just heard you when I was about to knock." He scoffs and i fight the urge to roll my eyes. "Yeah right as if I'm supposed to believe that you weren't eavesdropping." "Okay fine I was now please answer my question."

"Why must I answer to you now?" he asks. "You only answering cause I asked you a question duh." I say. "I meant exactly that." "Further elaborate your statement please." "Hawu you asked what i meant and i said I meant just that so wena you can think whatever you think I don't care." This man is one confusing spieces.

"You in the mafia?" I ask. "No I'm not." I sigh a sigh of relief. "Why does the statement bother you?" "Because you about to do some illegal shit and what if you get caught." "I won't get caught." "There is a first time for everything Nkosinathi." "Ukuthi mina I do illegal stuff to get my way shouldn't bother you at all."

"It shouldn't bother me...dude I live here and what if one day your shenanigans catch up to you and mina now I must suffer for your sins." I say. "Iyana just calm down and stay out of my business. Ayifuni wena lento futhi ungazihluphi ngayo. Siyazwana." (It has nothing to do with you and don't worry yourself with it. Do you hear me.) "If it's not you and this mafia whatever its exes busy saying that I belong to them." I mumble the last part.

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