Chapter 9: Someone you loved.

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Nkosinathi's POV

She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping if only our lives were that peaceful then everything was going to be good. I feel bad that she's stuck in this situation but I'm also angry because her sister is the cause of this whole thing. I got an email from Imenathi and i haven't read it yet. Deep down inside I'm scared to read what's there but the other part of me wants to know why she did what she did.

We arrive at home and i park the car and just sit for a few minutes. My dad comes from New Castle and he moved to Joburg after him and mom got married. They started a family and they worked hard to be able to support us. We've always lived large from an early age so I can't say we experienced financial issues.

The people that live here are my grandparents and my aunt and cousins and the others have their own homes and visit when we have a big gathering that brings us together. My mother's side of the family is from Free State and we hardly see them because they don't really get along with my mom so we decided to distance ourselves from them. Hopefully one day they can make peace with each other since they family.

I lightly shove her and she smacks me. "Vuka sesfikile." I say. (Wake up we have arrived.) "Okay." she whispers. She stretches her arms and yawns then her eyes flutter open. "We've arrived?" she asks. "Yeah sesfikile." She looks for something in her handbag and takes out a small make up kit. She opens it and checks herself in the mirror.

"Are your parents going to be here?" she asks. "Yeah they here, the only people who aren't here yet are my siblings but they will come later on this week." I answer. "Okay." She fixes up her doek and takes wipes and wipes her face and intongo. "Okay then let's go inside." "Okay." We get out of the car and walk towards the main house. I can't believe I'm walking with her instead of Imenathi. Life sure does change in a blink of an eye.

I open the door and she enters first and i go in behind her. The house is full of noise the minute you walk in. "How many people are here exactly?" she asks. "A lot." I answer. She gulps a little and she starts drumming her fingers on her thigh. "They don't bite don't worry." "I know people don't bite but there are some psychos out there that do." "Well ekhaya awekho ama psycho." (at home there are no.)  "Okay."

We walk to the living room and everybody looks at us the moment we enter. It would have been less nerve wrecking if they all didn't turn to face us. "Sanbonani." We greet. (Hello.) "Yebo." "But' Nkosinathi." My cousin stands up and runs to hug me and i hug her back. "It's been so long." "I know. Uright?" I ask. "Ngiyaphila wena." "Nami ngiyaphila. You look so pretty." "Thank you." she says and hides her face a bit. "Ohh she's blushing how cute." I roll my eyes.

"Hawu Nkosinathi are you going to continue talking to your cousin or you going to introduce us." says my grandmother. "Okay askies. This is my wife Iyana and Iyana this is my very large family." I say.(Sorry). Saying the word wife leaves a bitter taste in my mouth yet it feels right I don't know why. "Ngiyajabula ukunazi." she says. (Its a pleasure to meet you.) "Woza uzo hlala phansi asilumani thina." says Aunt Bongiwe. (Come and sit we don't bite.) She walks closer to them and sits next to her.

"She's a real beauty." says Aunt Lwandeka. "Ngiyabonga ma." (Thank you.) "Welcome to the family makoti. Singabantu abalungile futhi siziphatha kahle njengabantu. Sihloniphekile kule ndawo nawe makoti cela uziphathe kahle." says my grandmother. (We are good people and we know how to behave ourselves. We are respected here and please behave yourself makoti.)  "Ngizoziphatha kahle ma." (I will do so.) "Siyabonga."

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