Chapter 47: Clean slate.

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Nkosinathi's POV

"So you guys are an arranged marriage. Please tell me how that happened." says Tswarelo. "I was engaged to her sister and we went to Mpumalanga so I can pay lobola only to find out that she ran away and our families decided it would be best that me and Iyana get married to hide the humiliation Imenathi, my ex fiance, caused to both our families." I say.

"How did you feel after you found out that you had to get married to each other?" asks Tshego. "I was angry because I didn't think my family would sell me off to a man I don't know all in the name of keeping my family's reputation in tact." answers Iyana. "I felt betrayed because I thought that me and Imenathi would be together and we would be checking off our bucket list and so forth. I also felt angry that they didn't consider my feelings and just decided my fate for me." I answer.

"When did you realise that you have feelings for each other?" asks Tswarelo. "I don't know when exactly I realised but I think the moment that changed our dynamics for the both of us is when we had our first kiss which was when I was going through the most and i needed someone to talk to and she was there. I blocked them out and tried to ignore them because I thought it was weird for me to have feelings for my ex fiance's sister." I answer.

"For me I realised when he was there for me when I was at my lowest. At first I thought that maybe I was being dependant on him because he is there for me and he helped me get out of my black hole but then the feelings grew and that's when I realised that I liked him." answers Iyana. "Did you guys date anyone else during your marriage?" asks Tshego.

"I did. We had reached an agreement that we can see whoever we want to see. I thought that me moving on or finding someone will make these  feelings go away but instead they got stronger." answers Iyana. "I haven't dated anyone." I answer. "Do you realise that you used your new boyfriend as a rebound?" She shakes her head yes.

"Did you genuinely like your new boyfriend?" asks Tshego. "No I didn't. I confused the attraction as feelings." answers Iyana. "He was more of a rebound or a way to escape your feelings for Nkosinathi." "I didn't see it that way." "Which is okay and i don't want you to make yourself feel guilty for using him. You didn't realise it and you thought that you genuinely liked him." Iyana nods.

"When you agreed to having partners on the side were you both happy with the desicion you made?" asks Tswarelo. "I wasn't happy but I did it because I thought she didn't see me that way and i used it as a way to push her away from me so I don't get close and probably slip up and confess my feelings." I answer. "I also wasn't happy but I agreed because I thought he didn't see me in that way and i told myself to move one because there is no point of waiting for someone that will never see me in that way." she answers.

"When did you both confess to your feelings?" asks Tshego. "A few nights ago. I did accept his proposal but I told him I would like to work on myself first and he also needs to work on himself before we get into a relationship because I want to give him my all and i would like for him to give me his all." answers Iyana. "I'm glad you both realised that you need help. That is the first step and once you've passed that step then we can start moving forward." I nod.

"I can counsel Iyana while Tswarelo counsels you and once we feel that you both are ready to be in a relationship maybe we do a bit of couples therapy but only if you agree." says Tshego. "No problem." I say. "You can set up a meeting schedule for when you would like for us to meet up starting from next week." says Tswarelo.

"Thank you for meeting with us today and I'm glad you both realised that you need help. I hope we can help you heal and move on." says Tshego. "Thank you so much for meeting up with us." says Iyana. "We will talk to each other over the phone then." We nod and stand up and shake hands then we leave.

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