Chapter 78: All mine.

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Nkosinathi's POV

With me?" I ask and she nods. "I'm in love. I love you a lot Nkosinathi. I have never felt this way before. You make me feel things that I never thought was possible. I had given up on love because I was tired of getting hurt over and over again but with you you made me want to give it a chance again. They say third times the charm and i believe that this is it for me. I always thought that I would find a person I have a lot in common with and then we fall in love and i would consider them my soulmate but with you its different the times we spend together are always amazing i feel like I've always known you and that made me realise that maybe thats how soulmates should make you feel. I love you a lot Nkosinathi," she says and i smile and crash my lips on hers and she giggles.

I can't believe she is actually in love with me. All this time I thought that maybe I'm moving too fast and i should postpone with this confession until later on when I have convinced myself that she might feel the same but here we are. "I also have a confession too." I say and she chuckles. "I'm listening." she says. "I'm in love with you too. I love everything about you Iyana from your smile to your scars everything about you screams perfect imperfection. I have never felt this way before. I thought I knew what love is but clearly I didn't cause you showed me something else," she smiles and hugs me.

"You taught me that love is stubborn cause you one stubborn woman," she chuckles. "Love is beautiful you make loving you easy. I always feel content and at peace when I'm with you. Yes we have our moments where we off ramp but we both manage to pick each other up and talk things out and move on and that's what I love about you. You let me lead as a man which I'm surprised you do considering your stubbornness," she laughs and rolls her eyes.

"I love you and I'm glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm glad that I get to call you my wife, the future mother of my kids, my soulmate, my best friend. Do you want to be my gangster wife?" I ask and she chuckles. "Aren't I already your gangster wife?" asks Iyana. "You are but I need to stamp on it officially." She chuckles. "You can call me your gangster wife. Guluvakazi wakho." I smile and chuckle.

"You are everything if not more that i look for in a woman and i can't wait to grow old with you and learn new things with you everyday." I say and she smiles. "I love you too. I don't know why your speech sounds ten times better than mine though." she says and we chuckle. "Yours is as equally good as mine so no need to compare." "Okay..I love you." "I love you more." "Let's not go there cause we going to get into a fight about it." I chuckle. "Okay fine I'll let you have this one." She chuckles.

She climbs on my lap and adjusts herself till she's comfortable enough. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer and she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. I give her ass a gentle squeeze and she starts grinding on me. "Ungaqali into ongeke uyimele." I mumble and she chuckles. (Don't start something you can't finish.) "Well sir I'm not giving you any I'm just teasing you." she says.

"So we playing like that now?" I ask and she chuckles. "Nkosinathi I was damaged last night to put it lightly so enjoy this teaser." she answers and i chuckle. "We shall see if this stays as a teaser." She rolls her eyes and i spank her ass. "Don't spank my ass." "It's ours sthandwa sami." "For as long as its not attached to you and it's attached to me then it shall remain mines not ours."

"We are married in community of property." I say and she laughs. "Please bring the proof cause last time I checked you paid lobola only and sathela inyongo that's it. We still need to do umembeso, umabo and the white wedding." she says. (We poured bile....gifting ceremonies.) "When do you want those to happen?" "Maybe next year. I still have to talk to my family and even if we chill for a few months it's not illegal ngoba ukhiphe inkomo eziphelele." I nod. (you took out the full cows.)

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