Chapter 31: Mess up a good thing.

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Iyana's POV

"Please don't hit me." There was no point of me begging cause it's not like he ever listens to my pleas. "Why shouldn't I? I told you to stay away from other men but wena what do you do.. you go to them."  he says. "I promise I won't go back please don't hit me." It's not like I went to this guy, he came to me and asked me out and i tried to politely decline before he arrived but look where we are.

The belt makes contact with my skin and i scream. 'I'm sorry Keketso...please." He continues hitting me and i try to move away from him but I end up backing myself up against the wall.

"Iyana!" I scream. My hands are sweating and i wipe them with the blanket. " was just a nightmare." says Nkosinathi. "It wasn't...he was here beating me up for being with other men." "He won't hurt you again. His gone for good this time." I start rocking myself back and forth in an attempts to calm me down.

He pulls me closer to him and lays my head on his chest. "It's okay. I'm here and he won't hurt you and i won't hurt you." he says. His heartbeat, so calm and soothing. I wish I could listen to it for an eternity. I feel my eyes become droopy and i close them and let the sleep consume me.


The lighting in this room is so annoying. I doubt it's very late but the way the sun rays are hitting the room one would think it's the afternoon. I flutter my eyes open and I'm welcomed with the view of the backyard. His room is very beautiful, everything about it is beautiful. Hai shem such a shame that I won't sleep here everyday and that last night was one of those rare moments that I doubt will happen again.

One thing I don't like is how Nkosinathi is literally on top of me. His legs are tangled between mines and some of his body weight is on me. How does this man sleep? You'd swear his a child. I would never cope sleeping with him everyday. I tap his arm to wake him up and he doesn't budge. "Mxm."

I move it away and try to push him to his side but damn his freaking heavy. What does this guy eat? "No need for you to push me you could have asked me nicely to shift." he says and hai suka madoda his morning voice is ncaa. All nice and deep. Why he has a nice morning voice but mina mines seems like I was in a screaming match last night baffles me. "Okay shift." "I said ask me nicely."

"Mxm." He chuckles and moves to his side. He has such a nice, deep chuckle. Everything about him in the morning is perfect. I should stop thinking these things. I get up and go to his bathroom to relieve myself. It's so clean here and everything is placed in its rightful position...position you's too early subconscious. I can't be having such naughty thoughts about him.

I flush the toilet and wash my hands. I go back inside the bedroom and get inside the bed. These electric blankets kept me warm the entire night. I think I might have to steal it so I can keep myself warm in my bedroom. "Uright?" he asks. (Are you okay?) "Yeah." He pulls me closer to him and i giggle. "Uyenzani?" (What are you doing.)
"Angeke ngikubuze ukuthi unjani bese wena uthi yeah." I laugh. (I won't ask you your well being and you just say yeah.) "Okay askies. I'm fine." (sorry.)

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