Chapter 22

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"She left first?"

Yao Yanyan put on the suit jacket Zheng Shu handed her and frowned as she asked.

Zheng Shu replied, "Yes, Miss."

"Why so urgent..." Yao Yanyan muttered under her breath and tightened her clothes, then sneezed.

Zheng Shu hurriedly gestured for Yao Yanyan to get in the car. "Miss, we received news that the group of troublemaking students has been caught. We need to go to the police station."

Yao Yanyan nodded, got into the car, and rested her head against the car window, closing her eyes.

The night outside was dark, and she felt inexplicably restless and upset. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a plastic bag on the passenger seat and asked, "What's that next to you?"

Zheng Shu replied, "It was given to me by Miss Cheng's family before she left. They said it was your midnight snack, Miss."

Yao Yanyan closed her eyes and furrowed her brow. After a while, she couldn't hold it in any longer and took out her phone from her bag, opening her chat with Cheng Xuan.

The conversation stopped in the morning. She had asked if Cheng Xuan brought an umbrella, and she replied no.

Although Cheng Xuan still had the cute cartoon kitten avatar that Yao Yanyan had set, her brief replies had reduced the cuteness of the avatar to the extreme.

Yao Yanyan didn't even know where this dissatisfaction came from. She simply attributed it to the wind and rain that blew in the evening, making her uncomfortable and affecting her mood.

She tapped on the typing field, pondered for a moment, and sent a message.

[yyy: The group of students has been taken to the police station.]

After sending the message, her phone remained silent as if it had sunk into a bottomless pit.

Yao Yanyan felt deflated and put her phone back in her bag.


When she returned from the police station, it was already late.

All the lights on the first floor of the Cheng family's house had been turned off, and the whole two-story building seemed to be asleep.

Yao Yanyan turned off her flashlight, closed the door gently, and instinctively glanced at Cheng Xuan's room at the end of the hall.

She didn't know if she was asleep.

Yao Yanyan turned around, and the beam of her flashlight shone on the clock on the wall, which was silently ticking away.

It was 11:30pm.

She should have already gone to sleep.

Yao Yanyan blinked her eyes and was about to go upstairs when her phone suddenly vibrated in her hand.

Yao Yanyan jumped in surprise: "Ah!"

She was startled, and opened her phone.

It was a message from Cheng Xuan: "Hmm."

Yao Yanyan looked towards the closed door at the end of the hallway.

In the darkness, the small room at the end didn't have a single star shining through. She thought it was like any other room and the occupants were fast asleep.

But as it turned out, the person inside was still awake.

Yao Yanyan was about to ask why she wasn't asleep yet when the second message came in from Cheng Xuan: "Are you back?"

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