Chapter 51

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All are millennium foxes.

Jiang Leyu glanced at her, licked her back teeth, sneered casually, unafraid of her. She was about to hold the cat in her arms, but the little cat just didn't like her and rubbed against Cheng Xuan's leg with its tail raised.

Cheng Xuan showed no expression on her face and picked up the cat, placing it on her lap.

Jiang Leyu stopped smiling, took out a box of cigarettes from her pocket, and took one for herself.

"Do you smoke?" Jiang Leyu asked her.

"No," Cheng Xuan replied without looking up, gently stroking the cat's fur with her fair and slender hands.

Jiang Leyu lit her cigarette and took a puff, then said after a while, "I don't care, I just enjoy myself."

"Gender is not a concern," she said emphatically.

In this way, she also answered Cheng Xuan's previous question.

Amidst the smoke, the woman's enchanting face raised a playful smile.

She really wanted to know what Cheng Xuan thought of Yao Yanyan.

Upon hearing her response, Cheng Xuan raised her eyes and met her gaze.

The woman was young, and even though she had spent years immersed in the business world, she couldn't hide the fear and intimidation in her eyes at this moment.

Or rather, she didn't even want to hide it.

Jiang Leyu felt that her eyes were too bright, as if they could see through one's heart when they looked directly at her.

Jiang Leyu never liked locking eyes with others. While others dominated the business world, she dominated the world of emotions. They were simply not on the same level. At this moment, facing her, Jiang Leyu felt a layer of sweat forming on her back.

"Gender is not a concern," the woman sitting on the sofa chuckled in a low voice, her words spoken with a low tone.

"I want to see if you dare to not care about her."

As she spoke, a smile remained on her face, her voice like water hitting a rock, but her words and the look in her eyes were chilling enough to make one's heart tremble.

Jiang Leyu held herself together, not revealing any flaws, but her forehead was sweating, and she didn't want to give up halfway.

"What if I have the courage?"

The woman in front of her sneered, stood up, squatted down, and took a tissue from the sofa, calmly helping Jiang Leyu wipe off the sweat.

Her hands were cold, and Jiang Leyu knew the current script. It should be her who should push Cheng Xuan's hand away, but she couldn't bear to do so when such a beautiful woman wiped her sweat. She couldn't help but feel afraid.

"You don't," she said, her voice calm but decisive.

"Because the look in your eyes doesn't seem like you like Yao Yanyan."

Jiang Leyu's heart pounded, feeling as if her soul had been thoroughly examined by her.

Being so close, her dark and bright eyes seemed to hold a handful of water, and Jiang Leyu understood everything.

If she didn't understand, she would have been in vain for more than a decade in the world of emotions.

Damn, why is their relationship so complicated? Is it fun to chase each other like this?

Jiang Leyu wanted to finish this act, so she reluctantly snatched the tissue, coldly sneering, "Aren't you afraid that she will find out?"

As the words fell, the woman in front of her fell into an eerie silence for a while, then, seemingly self-deprecating, tugged at the corner of her mouth, revealing an indescribable loneliness.

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