Chapter 57

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"No, that's not what I meant," Jiang Leyu defended herself, afraid that Yao Yanyan would think she was a pervert. "I think it's perfectly normal for me to have such thoughts."

"What's normal about it?" Yao Yanyan's tears stopped flowing due to her interruption. "Cheng Xuan and I don't have that kind of relationship!"

"Then what kind of relationship do you two have?" Jiang Leyu couldn't understand.

"We..." Yao Yanyan hesitated, the words "sisters" lingered on her lips but she couldn't bring herself to say them.

After going through this, she realized it was difficult for her to call Cheng Xuan her sister now.

Jiang Leyu saw Yao Yanyan's hesitation and chuckled. She took out a box of cigarettes from her pocket, lit one, and took a deep drag.

"Yao Yanyan, you're just being too conservative," she glanced at Yao Yanyan and listed Cheng Xuan's advantages.

"Look at her, she's young, beautiful, highly educated. I don't know about her character, but it seems she's good to you," Jiang Leyu took another drag from her cigarette. "If she confessed to me, I wouldn't hesitate to accept it. Being a bed partner with her would be a surefire deal."

"That's not what I want," Yao Yanyan frowned. "Jiang Leyu, I am genuinely timid. Although I haven't been in a relationship before, once I commit to someone, I will wholeheartedly be with them. So if the other person can't give me a hundred percent sense of security, I don't have the courage to accompany them to face the whole world."

"Besides... I've experienced many confessions in my life, but I have never played with someone's feelings. That's not right, it's disrespectful to others."

"Especially Cheng Xuan, she... she's not the type who can simply be a bed partner," Yao Yanyan struggled to find the right words. "She has always been a person who rarely speaks, enduring things silently to the point of breaking her teeth and swallowing her blood. Such a serious and rigid person, even after five years, I don't think she has changed much."

"She..." Jiang Leyu suddenly felt speechless. She forgot to flick the cigarette ash, waiting for it to fall to the ground.

"These days, how can there still be someone like her..." After a long while, Jiang Leyu's eyes seemed to escape, and she sighed.

She suddenly remembered what Cheng Xuan said last time they met.

"Your gaze doesn't seem to show that you like Yao Yanyan."

"I hope she won't find out."

"I dream of making her find out."

She carefully pondered these three sentences, lowered her head, and took a drag of her cigarette.

At that time, she found it strange why Cheng Xuan would say such things to her. She thought Cheng Xuan was a romantic like herself, and she quickly dismissed it from her mind.

But now, hearing what Yao Yanyan said, Jiang Leyu suddenly felt a strange sense of absurdity.

She remembered Cheng Xuan's gaze at that time.

"What if?"

What if there was such a foolish person in this world, who silently loved a girl for five years, even at the cost of her youth?

But she still couldn't believe it. What does Cheng Xuan lack? She is beautiful, highly educated. During her college years, people called her "President Xiao Cheng," and she works relentlessly. At a young age, she took control and started her own real estate business, shining brightly. Such a dazzling person would easily attract a group of followers.

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