Chapter 63

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"Cheng Xuan!" Yao Yanyan's face turned slightly red with anger. She quickly snatched the phone back, intending to delete the message.

Unfortunately, she underestimated the gossip-hungry abilities of the people in Jing City.

The messages kept piling up, overwhelming Yao Yanyan. Her fingers swiped the screen so vigorously that it made a sound, but she couldn't find Cheng Xuan's message among them.

Yao Yanyan felt anxious, her back starting to sweat in the scorching October weather.

Cheng Xuan, hearing her tapping on the screen, became displeased. "Did I say something wrong again?"

Her words carried a hint of frustration. Yao Yanyan's fingers paused, and she looked up at her.

Cheng Xuan stood before her, her eyes filled with anger. Her posture demanded an explanation from her.

Yao Yanyan was suddenly at a loss for words.

She couldn't understand it either.

Cheng Xuan was a child she had watched grow up. She had fed her every ounce of flesh on her face. She was incredibly calm when dealing with outsiders, but she would always get angry when facing her. It used to be manageable when she just sulked, but now it was different. Her anger was particularly evident.

Yao Yanyan was also angry. The two gas canisters had come together. "You didn't say anything wrong, but you can't say it like that."

"Why can't I say it like this?" Cheng Xuan's eyes were dark and bright, and she held her wrist tightly. "Am I not allowed to speak the truth?"

Fine, her words were full of grievances.

Yao Yanyan couldn't help but suspect that she had been drinking. She leaned in and sniffed, but couldn't smell anything except the familiar scent of disinfectant alcohol.

She suddenly got closer, completely unaware that Cheng Xuan's body had stiffened, and her uncontrollable heels took a small step back.

Then she clearly heard Yao Yanyan's mutter softly.

"Strange, You didn't drink any alcohol either."

Cheng Xuan's fleeting thoughts immediately vanished.

"Do I need alcohol to say these things?" She asked.

"It's not like I said it in a fit of drunkenness and will regret it when I sober up tomorrow," Cheng Xuan's tone was serious, with a hint of anger. "I said I like you, that I'm pursuing you. It doesn't require me to be impulsive. This is the truth, something I've wanted to say for a long time."

Yao Yanyan had experienced countless confessions in her life.

But Cheng Xuan's confessions were always full of courage, fiery passion, and an indelible emotion that burned straight into her heart, making her remember for a lifetime. She couldn't forget it no matter how hard she tried.

However, it had to be said that this was greatly appreciated by Yao Yanyan, who was usually a timid person.

Yao Yanyan admitted defeat, feeling both angry and amused.

She had no way to deal with Cheng Xuan's actions and handed the phone back to the young master who dared not come out of the car.

"Hah, I never knew you had such a personality before."

Her tone was somewhat provocative, and Cheng Xuan felt the heat rising in her ears as she listened. She felt like she was looking down on her like a child, but she couldn't get angry.

It was strange.

Cheng Xuan, who had never been in a relationship before despite being this old, didn't know what kind of feeling this was. All she knew was that she felt inexplicably happy.

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