Chapter 36

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Yao Yanyan actually has nothing to do. It's just that the room is too dark, and she is a little scared.

Due to night blindness, she used to sleep with a small, not very bright lamp on at night, but Cheng Xuan didn't know this habit.

In the quiet of the night, only occasional raindrops falling on the eaves outside the window could be heard.

Yao Yanyan couldn't see Cheng Xuan with her eyes, and her body couldn't help but lean towards her direction.

She listened for a while to Cheng Xuan's even breathing, unable to tell if she was asleep or not, and whispered Cheng Xuan's name lightly.

For a long time, she didn't hear any movement from the other side.

Just when Yao Yanyan thought Cheng Xuan had fallen asleep, she suddenly turned over.

Yao Yanyan's breath caught, and she couldn't speak for a while.

In the blurry night, she felt a gaze lingering on her face for a long time. Cheng Xuan was looking at her.

It was a hot summer night, and Cheng Xuan was sweating all over in her thick clothes. She was already suppressing her exhaustion, but Yao Yanyan's shout made her inexplicably irritable.

"Yao Yanyan."

Her voice was very clear in the dark night, with a faint ending, as if sighing.

"What do you want?"

In the dark night, Cheng Xuan could clearly see Yao Yanyan's appearance.

Moonlight shone through the trees outside the window and fell on her face. She had long eyelashes and bright eyes, like a lake under the moon. Her gaze was unfocused, obviously unable to see anything clearly.

Hearing her question, she raised her eyebrows and eyes, her voice soft as water, "You're awake."

"Yeah." Cheng Xuan pursed her lips slightly and couldn't help but secretly sketch her features with her eyes in the darkness.

She looked into her beautiful eyes and suddenly turned away as if holding her breath, suppressing a strange fire in her heart. "Why did you call me?"

Yao Yanyan pouted and murmured, "Why are you so fierce...?"

"I'm just a little scared, Cheng Xuan."

Cheng Xuan closed her eyes. "I'm right beside you, what are you afraid of?"

"I'm still scared. It's too dark," Yao Yanyan said, shifting in Cheng Xuan's direction. "You're too far away from me, I can't see you, I don't even know where you are."

She was like a little bug, about to move next to Cheng Xuan's pillow, when her forehead was met with a cold finger.

"Yao Yanyan." Cheng Xuan called her, her tone unusually stern. "I'm hot, don't come any closer."

"Oh." Yao Yanyan blinked and stopped moving. The room was indeed hot, luckily it was raining at night.

She smiled and reached out to hold Cheng Xuan's finger. "Then let's hold hands while we sleep, okay?"

Cheng Xuan really wanted to drive her away, as far as possible. She didn't want her to say another word, to make her heart feel so confused.

She didn't know what was bothering her.

She let her hand be held by Yao Yanyan, feeling helpless.

Yao Yanyan got what she wanted, with a big smile on her face, but she only held Cheng Xuan's little finger.

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