Chapter 61

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At Elegance, Yao Yanyan only then learned that the evening gown had already been chosen.

It was a lotus color knee-length cocktail dress with a light chiffon material at the shoulders, revealing her fair shoulders and beautiful neckline.

Yao Yanyan changed into it in the fitting room and received compliments from the sales assistant when she came out.

"Shall I have the stylist do your makeup now?"

"Thank you for your trouble." Yao Yanyan politely thanked and sat on a stool, pressing down the corners of her dress.

The makeup artist sat in front of her and applied makeup.

Yao Yanyan had good skin, and coupled with the elegant dress, there was not much to be done. After applying a layer of earth-toned eyeshadow and a splash of bright red on her lips, her makeup was simple but clean and eye-catching.

The stylist pondered for a moment behind her and swept up her semi-long hair, leaving a few stray strands falling on the side of her face.

"All done, Miss Yao. Do you think it's alright?" The stylist's eyes were clearly impressed.

Yao Yanyan nodded as she looked in the mirror, lifted her dress, and got up, leaving the house to sit in the car driven by the Yao family driver.

During the journey, Yao Yanyan felt a bit drowsy and dozed off against the car window.

When they arrived at the destination, the driver woke her up. Yao Yanyan thanked him and got off the car, only to see the familiar extravagance and luxury she was accustomed to.

Zheng family's young master always spent money extravagantly. It was heard that this time he had organized a welcome banquet for himself upon returning from abroad, inviting guests who were young masters or young ladies from the upper class of the Jing City.

The area in front of the main hall was surrounded by cheers and celebration.

But as soon as Yao Yanyan got out of the car, she still attracted many gazes.

Half of it was because she was beautiful.

The other half was because she was too familiarly beautiful.

"Who is this?"

"Isn't this her?"


"The fake heiress! The Yao family's fake heiress! How dare she come!"

"Oh my, it's actually her?"

"Why does she look like this? I thought..."

Various discussions and glances continued without end, and some even daringly picked up their phones to secretly record videos.

Yao Yanyan took a slight breath and cast a sideways glance at them.

The few young ladies who were recording videos awkwardly put away their phones.

The women smiled at them but it couldn't be considered provocative, nor could it be considered friendly. Then she lifted her dress and entered the indoor area.

Zhang Anna was inside, toasting with the other ladies.

When she looked up, she saw Yao Yanyan and excused herself to the woman in front of her, then walked up and took Yao Yanyan's hand.

"You look very beautiful today," Zhang Anna said, raising her hand to tidy up Yao Yanyan's hair.

However, Yao Yanyan didn't feel a hint of happiness in her heart from the compliment. She uncomfortably avoided Zhang Anna's attempt to hold her hand and stood silently by her side.

The real and fake daughter of a wealthy family are in love[GL]Where stories live. Discover now