Chapter 53

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In the darkness, Yao Yanyan didn't know how to respond.

She opened her mouth, wanting to say that there was nothing to it, but then she thought that there was no need to explain it to Yao Wu.

At her age, thoughts would always become more realistic.

She wasn't clear about Cheng Xuan's feelings, nor did she understand her own, and she couldn't see the path ahead clearly.

She was afraid of the dark, even more afraid that with a careless step, she would fall into the abyss alone.

So, Yao Yanyan chose to close her eyes and muttered, "Go to sleep."

The next day, Yao Yanyan woke up early.

The sky was still tinged with dim blue, as if ink had been spilled.

Yao Wu was still sleeping, and Yao Yanyan had a splitting headache.

Thinking back to last night, her mood became complicated, and she carried a cup of coffee out of the bedroom.

The woman sitting on the chair was still asleep.

The air conditioner was running at a moderate temperature suitable for sleep. The air conditioning blanket had slipped halfway to the floor, revealing the snow-white skin on her back beneath the evening dress.

Yao Yanyan was afraid that she would be cold, so she sighed, put down the coffee cup, and gently picked up the fallen air conditioning blanket, draping it over her again.

Perhaps because she had touched her, the woman's eyelashes trembled slightly, and after a moment, she opened her eyes like the fluttering wings of a butterfly, revealing deep black pupils.

She saw Yao Yanyan clearly, as if she had seen a beautiful dream, and showed the most relaxed smile that Yao Yanyan had ever seen.


She called out to her, and after a while, her thoughts returned. Cheng Xuan looked around in a daze, knowing that she wasn't dreaming.

What followed was the memory of being drunk last night.

She had never lost control when drunk because subconsciously she always held onto a thin thread, never allowing her rationality to fly away.

But last night, she was unusually bold, and her rationality couldn't be held or pulled back.

Cheng Xuan stared at her, blushing brightly, burying her face under the table for a while before saying, "I'm sorry, sister."

Yao Yanyan was still struggling with how to face her today, but seeing her like this, she couldn't help but laugh.

"I forgive you," she said, pulling a chair and sitting across from Cheng Xuan.

At this moment, time became extremely quiet, flowing like water.

The sky behind the white curtains was a dim blue, and the summer rain, which had been lingering for days, finally stopped today.

It seemed as if there were only the two of them in the world, sitting at this square table.

She thought of Jiang Leyu, Yao Yanyan's female friend who loved to talk, and didn't want the conversation to end like this.

"You're good at cooking... very impressive," Cheng Xuan said, a cryptic meaning behind her words.

Yao Yanyan looked up at her, instinctively wanting to touch the coffee cup but finding it empty.

Cheng Xuan noticed her subtle movement, but Yao Yanyan didn't realize that she was now being carefully observed by the woman in front of her, who was still responding to her previous words.

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