Chapter 35

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Cheng Xuan carried her out of the small supermarket.

Yao Yanyan held a small windmill in her hand, blowing bubbles with bubble water. She felt quite beautiful and happy, humming a song all the way.

With Cheng Xuan carrying her, she felt that even the passing breeze was warm.

Every time she came here before, she felt empty inside. But this time, her heart felt real, even though she was being carried by someone. Her steps were lighter and faster than usual.

Yao Yanyan held onto her neck with the hand holding the bubble water, while the other hand held a flashlight.

She had poor night vision and couldn't see the road clearly. She was afraid that the flashlight might shine in the wrong place, so she would occasionally ask her, "Am I shining it correctly?"

Cheng Xuan looked at the light shining on the other side of the road and took a moment to respond, "Yes, you are."

Anyway, she had walked this road countless times, so she wouldn't get lost.

Yao Yanyan was quite happy, feeling like she was playing a role.

Cheng Xuan carried her and turned a corner, stopping in front of a house.

The children who were playing in the alleyway became silent when they saw the two of them enter the alley.

Cheng Xuan ignored them and unlocked the small copper lock at the entrance, entering the house.

The dust that greeted them made Yao Yanyan cough a few times. She couldn't see clearly, but she could vaguely see that the courtyard was in a mess.

Cheng Xuan put her down and quickly walked into the living room, pulling the hanging switch on the wall.

The dim old light bulb at the entrance flickered on and off several times before finally struggling to stay lit.

Yao Yanyan rubbed her eyes and gradually adjusted, finally seeing the layout of the entire room.

It was a row of three connected bungalows, with a large stove for making fires in the middle hall. The yard was not big and was filled with cardboard boxes and unwanted broken furniture.

It was quite an old house, and Yao Yanyan had never been to a place like this before. She felt curious inside and was about to go downstairs when Cheng Xuan walked out from the inner room with a broom and dustpan. "What are you doing?"

Yao Yanyan turned around, "I want to go downstairs and take a look."

Cheng Xuan glanced at the hem of her skirt that reached her calves and said, "Just stay here."

After speaking, afraid that Yao Yanyan would be unhappy, she added, " just rained here, it's dirty. Let me clean up first, and then you can take a look."

Yao Yanyan responded with an "Oh."

Cheng Xuan worked swiftly, rolling up her sleeves, and started organizing the wet cardboard boxes in the yard.

Small insects circled around the old light bulb while Yao Yanyan looked around, wanting to help Cheng Xuan with something she was capable of doing.

She went inside with the flashlight, took a round, and came out holding a washbasin. "Cheng Xuan, is there water here?"

Cheng Xuan wiped off the sweat from her forehead, carried a stack of neatly folded cardboard boxes and threw them along the wall, then hurried over to Yao Yanyan. "Yes," she said and led her to the faucet in the central hall. She let some rusty water flow first and said, "Let me find some soap for you."

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