Chapter 34

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The place Cheng Xuan wanted to go was Luoping Village, which was some distance away from Fengkang Town.

Yao Yanyan was curious why she wanted to go there, but she felt embarrassed to ask after crying earlier.

They remained silent the whole way until raindrops from the raincoat started falling on their feet. Yao Yanyan took a deep breath.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Xuan turned to her and followed her gaze down to the girl's feet.

There was a glaring red patch there.

Cheng Xuan's heart skipped a beat as she asked, "What happened?"

"...It's from walking." Yao Yanyan lowered her head, afraid that her tear-streaked face would be too noticeable, so she didn't dare to look up.

"Let me see." Cheng Xuan frowned and urged her to take off her shoes.

The girl put her heel on the seat, and when Cheng Xuan looked, the entire tip of her little toe was grazed and bleeding.

Cheng Xuan was genuinely angry. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Yao Yanyan was even angrier than her and kicked her leg. "I called you, but you ignored me!"

Cheng Xuan frowned, about to say something, but in the end, she said nothing.

There were no band-aids in the car, so they had to get some from Luoping Village later.

Cheng Xuan forbade her from wearing the wet shoes and soaking her feet.

Yao Yanyan had to sit barefoot in the car seat, feeling embarrassed all the way, but they finally arrived.

The rain had stopped at some point.

Luoping Village was an especially small place, and at night, it was pitch black, without even a street lamp.

Yao Yanyan had some night blindness and squinted her eyes for a long time but couldn't make out much ahead, only that the road ahead was very narrow, and she couldn't see any human figures.

She curled her toes slightly and glanced sideways.

The car had a dim reading light on, casting scattered beams onto the girl's eyebrows and eyes in the back seat.

Cheng Xuan was good-looking, especially her eyebrows and eyes.

Her eyebrows were neatly shaped even without makeup, and her eyelids were thin, with a faint fold.

Her eyelashes were straight and sparse, gently downward, connected to the slightly upturned outer corners of her eyes, like a smoothly drawn black eyeliner.

It seemed she noticed Yao Yanyan's gaze, and when she looked over, her pitch-black pupils reflected a hint of warmth from the front lights. "What's wrong? Is your foot hurting?"

Yao Yanyan realized that she had been staring at her and her ears and face inexplicably grew hot. "It doesn't hurt!"

Her voice was quite loud, causing Cheng Xuan's eyelashes to tremble.

As she was still angry with herself for her previous stubborn actions, she pondered for a moment and tentatively said, "If you don't want to go, you can leave me here and go back."

Somehow, that sentence struck Yao Yanyan's chest like a punch. "Leave me here? Then I chased after you for nothing?"

Cheng Xuan fell silent, and as she watched the car arrive at their destination, she spoke up, "Um... let's just park here. The road inside is narrow, and it'll be difficult to turn around."

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