Chapter 58

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She was deeply impressed by what Cheng Xuan said.

That night, Yao Yanyan dreamt of Cheng Xuan, which was a rare occurrence.

She dreamt of herself standing in the corridor of her high school, surrounded by a bustling crowd of familiar and unfamiliar classmates who warmly called out her name.

Yao Yanyan, wearing the uniform from her high school days, stood in the center of the crowd, feeling annoyed by the entanglement. She wanted to break free and walk away when she spotted Cheng Xuan standing on the other side of the corridor.

She walked alone, wearing the white uniform of Jingshi No.1 High School, moving along the border between light and darkness, walking along the wall.

Yao Yanyan saw her clearly and tried to step forward, but suddenly an unfamiliar person came and grabbed her arm. Yao Yanyan furrowed her brows, shook off the person, and shouted across, "Cheng Xuan!"

As her voice fell, the girl standing across from her stopped in her tracks, and the crowd around them dispersed. The entire corridor was left with Yao Yanyan and Cheng Xuan.

She blinked her eyes, and the sunset leaking through the windows on the opposite side of the corridor bathed her in light. Yao Yanyan pursed her lips slightly and walked towards the dark spot where Cheng Xuan stood.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Her tone carried a hint of resentment that only a girl would have towards someone she was close to. She looked up at her.

This year's Cheng Xuan was the one from high school.

She tied her hair in a ponytail, looking youthful and clean. Her dark eyes sparkled like stars, and her lips curved slightly as she affectionately called Yao Yanyan, "Sister."

Yao Yanyan looked at her and couldn't help but smile along, "Hmm, what's the matter?"

"I have something I've always wanted to show you," she said, her tone resembling that of a little girl who had hidden a treasure chest and eagerly wanted to share it with her most beloved person.

She skillfully held Yao Yanyan's hand, and the two girls walked from darkness toward the light.

Yao Yanyan asked her, "What is it?"

Cheng Xuan's eyes brightened, as if she was particularly happy, and a hint of pride appeared on her.

"It's something I worked very, very hard to obtain."

She held Yao Yanyan's hand and they walked a long way, finally stopping in front of a display wall of honor students.

"What's this about?" Yao Yanyan looked at it indifferently.

Cheng Xuan smiled faintly and pointed to Yao Yanyan, saying, "Sister, take a look."

Yao Yanyan looked up and saw the first row of the honor student display wall, with a photo of a girl sealed within it.

Blurry and unclear, but Yao Yanyan knew it was a photo of Cheng Xuan.

"You're amazing!" Yao Yanyan praised her, wishing she could throw a celebration for Cheng Xuan right now.

However, Cheng Xuan only smiled faintly, took a step forward, and gently touched the acrylic board covering the photo. Her gaze, however, was fixed on the area above her own picture, the corner that was obscured by the shining light and impossible to see clearly.

"Because I've always wanted to be in the same column as you, that's why I worked so hard."

As she spoke, she turned her head, and her eyes revealed an irresistible depth of affection.

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