Chapter 68

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Cheng Xuan's words didn't bother Yao Yanyan much.

She could sense the uneasiness that arose in the other person because of her, but she was powerless to verbally comfort them.

Yao Yanyan has always been someone who takes action.

So the next day at 5 o'clock in the morning, she stood outside her own door with a suitcase, knocking on her phone, occasionally glancing at the dark door across the street.

[yyy: I'm coming out.]

The response came quickly from the other side.


Almost as soon as the message was sent, the sound of a doorknob turning came from the other side of the door.

Then, the front door swung open. Yao Yanyan looked up and saw Cheng Xuan, who had already finished getting ready for the day.

She was still wearing gray pajamas, her face was clean and bare, with a hint of bruising under her eyes, clearly lacking sleep.

The negative emotions from last night had all been put away by her today, and there was no trace of any flaws just by looking at her appearance.

"Sister, please wait for me a moment. I'll go change my clothes," she said in a calm voice.

"Sure," Yao Yanyan responded. It was still early in the morning.

Five minutes later, Cheng Xuan came out in casual clothes, and the two of them headed to the train station.

Since Uncle Zheng resigned from the Yao family, he had returned to his hometown in the northeast to be with his wife and children. Yao Yanyan hadn't seen him in years, but she would receive food packages from Uncle Zheng in the northeast every year.

For example, pickled cabbage or homemade cured meat, some well-preserved and long-lasting items. He would send them once a year, and each time he would send a lot, enough for Yao Yanyan to eat for several months as a young girl.

Perhaps it was because of Cheng Xuan's words yesterday, but today the atmosphere between the two of them was particularly silent as they walked together, without saying a word along the way.

Carrying their respective suitcases, they bought their tickets and arrived too early. They still had to wait for over an hour for the earliest train to depart.

Cheng Xuan asked her, "Have you eaten, Sister?"

"Not yet," Yao Yanyan stood up from her suitcase, "Let's go out and buy something to eat."

"Okay," Cheng Xuan agreed, turning to leave.

Yao Yanyan called out, "Wait a moment!"

She lowered her head and quickly put the bag on top of the suitcase on her shoulder, just in case she needed it. She had brought quite a lot of luggage, aside from a small suitcase, she also had two bags, one backpack and one shoulder bag.

Afraid that Cheng Xuan would be anxious waiting on the side, she hurriedly zipped up the shoulder bag and was about to put it on when a slender and fair hand crossed over.

Yao Yanyan: ?

She looked up and saw Cheng Xuan standing in front of her. There was no expression on her face, but she could sense a hint of displeasure from her calm and serene eyes.

Cheng Xuan gently waved away Yao Yanyan's hand and effortlessly lifted her pink shoulder bag onto her own shoulder.

The combination of the black tactical jacket and the pink shoulder bag appeared extremely mismatched, giving a complex and conflicting impression. The woman stood in front of her with a fair complexion, dark phoenix eyes, and a slight frown.

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