Chapter 48

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"Bye bye, be careful on the way, Yanyan."

"You too, bye bye, Mengmeng."

Yao Yanyan walked out of the company with a bag and a cake package in hand. Her phone vibrated, and she answered the call.

Yao Wu's voice came through the speaker, "I've arrived in Jing City! Dear sister!"

"So fast?" Yao Yanyan was taken aback, her umbrella-hand shook for a moment, and the drizzling rain climbed up her pants.

She frowned slightly, waved her hand, and hailed a taxi.

On the other end of the phone, the conversation continued, "Yes, yes, I'm hungry, sister. What should we eat tonight?"

"Well... I have some shrimp in the fridge that I bought yesterday. If you don't feel like eating that, we can order takeout later."

Both sisters were not picky eaters. Yao Wu agreed, hung up the phone, and a taxi conveniently stopped in front of Yao Yanyan.

Yao Yanyan got into the car and ran her hand through her rain-soaked hair. "To Xingshui Apartments, please."

"Sure thing," the driver stepped on the accelerator.

Yao Yanyan had something on her mind and absentmindedly tapped on her phone. She casually opened WeChat.

The pink peony flower profile picture was outdated but eye-catching.

Yao Yanyan's finger almost uncontrollably tapped on it.

Their chat ended last night, bidding each other goodnight.

Her mood was complicated. She wanted to ask if the other person had eaten, but she was also worried about crossing boundaries.

To be honest, she didn't understand the present Cheng Xuan.

Five years had passed, along with earth-shattering changes in their families, which were enough to change a person entirely.

From her memory, Cheng Xuan five years ago wasn't the type to openly come out.

Thinking of this, Yao Yanyan fell into silence. After a moment, she put her phone back in her bag.

Perhaps noticing her absentmindedness, the driver stopped the car, and the woman in the back seat remained motionless.

He was puzzled and turned back, calling out, "Miss?"

"Oh..." Yao Yanyan snapped out of her thoughts and smiled at him. "Sorry about that."

After paying the fare, she opened her umbrella and went upstairs.

It was overcast, and the apartment hallway was dim. Yao Yanyan shook off the raindrops from her umbrella at the entrance and climbed the stairs.

Lonely footsteps echoed in the hallway. Yao Yanyan lowered her gaze and suddenly heard the familiar sound of high heels coming from upstairs.

Unlike before, it wasn't as steady and firm.

The woman was in a hurry, and the sound grew closer. Yao Yanyan even feared that she might accidentally fall from upstairs.

The woman with long, pitch-black hair rushed down from the corner of the hallway. Her chest heaved heavily, and the moment she saw Yao Yanyan clearly, her pitch-black phoenix eyes sparkled like stars.


She struggled to utter these words, placing her fair hand on her knee, leaning down slightly and panting for a moment. She lifted her fair face and smiled at her.

The real and fake daughter of a wealthy family are in love[GL]Where stories live. Discover now