Chapter 72

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The lingering aroma of milk tea filled their lips and teeth as Yao Yanyan was led by Cheng Xuan towards the market.

"Aunt Liu went to buy fish and spare ribs," Cheng Xuan turned around and said, smiling at her with her eyes crinkled. Her black, bright eyes appeared exceptionally gentle. As she spoke, the white breath she exhaled drifted in the air. "Let's go bring things to Aunt Liu."

Yao Yanyan looked at her, lost in thought for a while.

Cheng Xuan leaned closer, looking into her clear amber eyes, unable to resist kissing the corner of her eye.

Yao Yanyan was startled and blinked, snapping back to reality.

"What are you doing?" Yao Yanyan feigned annoyance in her tone.

Cheng Xuan's ears turned red as she smiled at her. "I like you, sister."

"I know," Yao Yanyan deflated, unable to suppress a smile forming at the corner of her mouth. "...I like you too."

"Mm," Cheng Xuan lightly responded, nodding. She held Yao Yanyan's hand and continued walking forward.

Yao Yanyan followed her, her gaze falling on their intertwined hands, and a profound sense of happiness and contentment surged in her heart.

This was what Cheng Xuan brought to her, allowing her previously stagnant life to flow once again.

As for the successful coming out of Uncle Zheng, Yao Yanyan decided not to mention it to Cheng Xuan for now to avoid making her uncomfortable during her stay here.

While Yao Yanyan had her thoughts, Cheng Xuan was also contemplating something else.

Their cotton boots made a slight sound as they treaded on the snowy ground. Cheng Xuan lowered her eyes and asked, "Sister."

"Mm?" Yao Yanyan looked up. "What's the matter?"

"You..." Cheng Xuan pursed her lips and pondered on how to phrase her question. "How did you know that I applied to Jing University?"

Yao Yanyan was slightly taken aback, then realized and chuckled. "Did Aunt Liu tell you?"

"Mm," Cheng Xuan nodded. "...Aunt Liu told me that you even know my test score, sister."

"How did you...know?" she cautiously asked.

Yao Yanyan found Cheng Xuan's cautiousness amusing and responded matter-of-factly, "I've been teaching you for so long. I couldn't just stop keeping an eye on your grades after you went abroad, could I?"

That made sense.

Cheng Xuan felt a slight sense of disappointment in her heart.

The cold wind, carrying snowflakes, pelted her face, and it started snowing again.

"It's snowing," the person beside her said. Cheng Xuan looked at her and then they both looked up at the sky.

The sky was a pale gray, and snowflakes fell, resembling torn pieces of white flying paper.

Cheng Xuan exhaled, tilting her head slightly as she looked at Yao Yanyan.

Everything happened so suddenly. Yao Yanyan took a small step back on her tiptoes, her heart pounding, and she couldn't help but close her eyes.

But the anticipated kiss didn't happen.

Yao Yanyan was puzzled, furrowing her brow slightly as she opened her eyes.

Cheng Xuan was close to her, with an unpleasant expression on her face.

Yao Yanyan: ?

Yao Yanyan thought of something, her face turning red, thinking that she might have crumbs from the cookie she ate earlier on the corner of her mouth. She raised her hand to wipe the corner.

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