18- Heavy Hearts and Temptations

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The days seemed to pass in a blur, one, three, six, ten, twelve, sixteen days have passed so far and Henry hasn't even called to convince me in letting him come home

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The days seemed to pass in a blur, one, three, six, ten, twelve, sixteen days have passed so far and Henry hasn't even called to convince me in letting him come home... After the few times I've talked to Nick, Henry seemed to have an entirely different reaction to Nick's brutality and his lifestyle. Henry struggled for about a week I knew this from how Nick proudly described the uncharacteristically intense fight between both Henry and Nico.

But within the last few days it was if the smoke had suddenly cleared.

I was glad he was beginning to adjust but I had to admit I missed him.

Revoking any contact with Kamia what so ever Henry understandably didn't want to speak to me. But our entire home was feeling the effects of Henry's absence. Julian was a walking storm of anger, he was angry with me, angry with Mia and the words he often spat were on the fast track to getting him the same fate as Henry.. he knew the entire time what conspired under my roof but never said a word. He insisted that the love Henry had for Kamia ran deep and that he knew they were in love. He urged me to get Henry back, that Henry wasn't adjusting and that it was all an act.

Regardless if it was true or not, I couldn't budge on my decision. This was something else I couldn't make Julian understand...

He didn't want to understand and to avoid bringing it up he was rarely home anymore. Except to eat dinner then return to his room for the rest of the night. Gabriel has been avoiding everyone he's not speaking, not making eye contact all day but I know my son, he holds it in, in an attempt to save face. But late at night he's in the gym swinging, punching, lifting and yelling, cursing for hours until he burns out. I know because I wait until he's done to enter the gym. I've been struggling to sleep and so I burn time in the gym until I can hardly run, or lift my arms. Often it's been the crack of dawn when I climb into bed with Mia and I wake she's always gone with my thermos full of fresh coffee waiting on my nightstand.

Then there was my baby girl, Kamia.. she didn't come out of her room for days. In the beginning she screamed and sobbed like Henry had died. Mia and I have tried everything to get Kamia to come out to eat something.. but to avail. The untouched trays of food outside of her door piled up and I had to resist the urge to break the door down myself.

Mia pleaded with me not to and insisted that Kamia needed her space. Because she was suffering from a broken heart. She hated us, all of us. Like Julian she didn't understand why I couldn't allow her and Henry's relationship to continue.

It was nearly a week before Kamia's hunger strike finally ended and though she comes out of her room, she doesn't stay. She grabs what she wants from the kitchen and hurries back to her room. A few of her little friends have been visiting to help her recover and though she's slowly acting like herself again Kamia's not talking to me at all.

Never thought my daughter would join the women in my life that already give me the silent treatment.

Then there was Mia.. my wife. My Hermosa, she was so shaken by everything. She fell into a pattern of her own. She makes breakfast every morning, flips through the photo album, gazing at pictures of Henry or watched family videos where Henry was present.. she missed him, I think even more than any of us. Though she didn't birth Henry her love for him ran impossibly deep. When she was hurting and when she finally pulled her away from the self torture, she danced.

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