30- A Weakness

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   " I still don't understand why you lied"

  Henry was looking at me like I told the Internet I had some terminal illness for sympathy points. Besides it wasn't a complete lie, I did have tickets to the basketball game though Basil initially sent them to my Dad per his managers instructions. As a courtesy he sent more than enough. He also invited Dad to the after party but naturally Dad rejected the idea but suggested that I go, take Henry and a friend.

Imani was letting himself get suckered into spending "couples time" with Jasmine. Bodhi's grandparents on his mom's side were in town, they were extremely strict and traditional so he couldn't bail out. But Aaron had been fighting with his mom again so leaving Dyvercity for a little while was a good thing.

The only thing I noticed and hoped wouldn't escalate was the tension. It was apparent that Aaron didn't care for Henry much if at all. Henry ignored Aaron though, ignored the side eyes and snide remarks. Though Aaron seemed to have a problem everytime Henry opened his mouth.

"I still don't understand how you had a whole relationship with your sister" Aaron spat impatiently aggressively sipping the Saint Laurent duffle bag.

"Bro I swear to God if you break that zipper your ass is buying me a new bag"

Henry didn't acknowledge Aaron and kept his eyes on me waiting for the answer.

"Isn't it obvious? Bitches love that shit" a grin came over my face as Aaron chuckled.

"And you're gonna love the one I picked out for you"

"I don't want her" Henry scowled as he checked his phone for the sixth time in twenty minutes. I don't know what he was waiting for but whatever it was.

It wasn't happening.

"You don't even know what she looks like"

"Do I look like I fuckin care? I don't want some store bought bitch"

"Whoaaa you're going to chill with that" I let out a bitter chuckle just as my legs carried me to where Henry stood. I was a foot and a half away before I stopped myself. I wasn't buying the bullshit that dad was selling about Henry's was still settling in and he's heartbroken so I should cut him some slack.

This muthfucka was disrespectful.

Plain and simple.

Henry was maybe a inch taller but still I held his gaze as I argued with myself before deciding to shatter his jaw or not. We shared DNA but we lived two extremely different lives. I watched his stance change slightly as he watched my every moment. Henry wasn't a pussy, but he often let his emotions be his driving force.

Like a bitch.

" I get it, you're angry and whatever but I'll tell you like this. Get over it, you're never getting Kamia back. So you can stop this pity party acting like she was the only bitch you were fuckin. I already know she wasn't" resisting the urge to laugh in his face my eyes trinkled as I smiled.

(Ghidorah) -Book 3 Of DyvercityWhere stories live. Discover now