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                             Staring back at the grand villa, my heart ached as my stomach filled  with anxiousness. The property consisted of twelve acres of lush green land with a few winding roads made of stone and or dirt. The main house was wide with thick granite pillars and an upper balcony on the second floor. It's sand colored stones were prestige with defined lines and high arches. Several smaller homes and buildings were scattered around the main house making the property look more like a small secluded city.

The soil itself held a thousand stories all stretching throughout my family's history. I couldn't tell if it was the shining sun or the fresh breeze but the pain in my chest was finally tolerable.

         The heavy gates slid open as we rolled towards the main house where two guards dressed in dirt covered clothes quickly inspected the car before opening the back door for me. Regretfully I climbed out of the air conditioning and into the hot air, heavy with humidity.

"Mrs. Amato please follow me" one of the guards urged politely before walking up the stairs to the villa. Immediately I touched the soft untanned skin where my wedding ring once sat as I followed the guard up the steps. Before we could reach the double doors they swung open and I instinctively smiled at the bright eyes belonging to a familiar face. I couldn't explain the phenomenon that coursed through our shared DNA but he hardly looked any different. The generous Brazilian sun toasted his once light skin a healthy golden brown. He left his linen shirt completely unbuttoned allowing the jagged scars and unsettling tattoos that covered his torso glow in the sun. It had been nearly fifteen years and Milo had undeniably changed. Being my grandpa's successor Milo had a role to fill when he died and took his throne in Brazil. Milo's once innocent aura was now clouded with corruption from his deeds but he seemed to settle into the role nicely. I could tell from his dark unruly curls that hung just below his ears and his bright white smile sparkled in the sun.

That though Milo changed he didn't lose himself.

" Mia!"

Milo eagerly pulled me into a tight hug lifting me off my feet. Releasing me he cupped my face sharing the same smile we stared back at each other. The sibling bond somehow felt stronger now that we were seeing each other after so many years.

"Look at you, you look fantastic"

"You're one to talk the sun has been good to you"

" Yeah well out here there's no avoiding it. Now not trying to spoil the mood but what are you doing? Where's the kids? "

At the mention of my children the burning pain in my chest began to resurface and my eyes flooded with tears. As I left in a hurry I barely had a chance to hug them or tell them how much I loved them. It caused the gaping emotional wound from Kaleb's words to widen and I knew that I wouldn't heal from it anytime soon.

(Ghidorah) -Book 3 Of DyvercityWhere stories live. Discover now