Chapter 57. Stupid🤪

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Luo Qi didn't know that he had become a monkey by his sister's default.

After hearing Gu Lehai's report that Luo Xuan didn't audition today,
but met a new friend,
he anxiously checked Hu Sheng's situation.

Ordinary netizens can't find out Hu Sheng's real identity,
but the heirs of the Luo family can still find out some clues.

"It belongs to the Hu family?"

According to the clues found,
Luo Qi probably guessed Hu Sheng's identity,
but he became even more puzzled,

"But how did she get involved with the Li family and the Yan family?"

"Anyway, this girl is lucky, and she made good friends at the audition for the first time."

Luo Qi smiled, and then sighed,

"I hope she can change that stinky girl."
"Get angry."

He just watched Hu Sheng's previous variety show.

Although the little girl is a bit squeamish and short-tempered,
she has a cute and generous personality and is kind to others.

She hopes that Luo Xuan can be influenced by Hu Sheng and have a better temper,
so as to avoid more and more conflicts in the family in the future.

Thinking of this, Luo Qi decided to go to his girlfriend Wen Li and tell her about it,
and take her to buy a gift to comfort her.

The last time Wen Li was slapped by Luo Xuan, and then they broke up.

Luo Qi knew that she had suffered a lot,
but Wen Li had always been a gentle and kind person.

In order to ease the relationship between him and Luo Xuan,
Wen Li Li also kept forbearing, last time he saw her crying secretly in the bathroom.

Wen Li has always cared about Luo Xuan.
Many of the gifts he bought for Luo Xuan before were chosen by Wen Li.

Unfortunately, every time he mentioned this matter, he wanted to impress his girlfriend in front of his sister.

On the contrary, it will arouse Luo Xuan's anger more and more, and even those gifts that he and Wen Li carefully selected together were all thrown away by Luo Xuan.

This little sister is really spoiled by them.

Thinking of this,
Luo Qi's originally good mood turned a little bit lost.
He cherishes his sister and likes Wenli. He doesn't want his sister and his girlfriend to become enemies,
and of course he doesn't want to see his girlfriend keep going.

Bearing the humiliation, his sister has been arrogant and domineering.

He originally thought that Luo Xuan was just spoiled,
but she was good in nature,
but he never thought that she would become like this.
He hoped that it would be too late to correct her problems now,
otherwise she would definitely suffer in the future.

Wen Li is a teacher in an elementary school, which is not far from Qixuan Group.

Luo Qi raised his hand and looked at the time.

Before school was over, he decided to wait for Wen Li outside the school and give her a surprise.

Luo Qi was driving a new car that he had just picked up today.

He was just about to park in the parking space next to the school and was about to get out of the car when he saw two people walking towards him from the side.

Luo Qi looked over subconsciously, but found that one of them was Wen Li,
and the other was a young man, who looked not much older than Wen Li,
and looked like a gangster.

He subconsciously thought that Wen Li was being pestered and harassed,
and was about to get out of the car to stop her,
when he suddenly remembered that Wen Li's class was full this afternoon,
and it was for this reason that he didn't inform her in advance and drove over to wait for her.

Then why did Wen Li, who was supposed to be in class,
suddenly appear here and be entangled by a little gangster?

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