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I blinked my eyes open, adjusting them to the dim glow of the sun rising through the windows. I gently lifted my head, holding back the groan that was trying to leave escape lips. My eyes found a sleeping Alycia who was still on the couch across from me. A smile rose to my lips while my eyes scanned the woman. She looked adorable asleep, her cheek resting against her hand with her lips slightly parted. My heart was happy to find her in the same place, half expecting her to have gone to her own bed at some point in the night.

I carefully pushed myself up with my arms, biting my lip to keep quiet. I reached a hand to my pocket, finding my phone to check the time. 5:46. It was still earlier than I would normally get up, but I decided I should get moving before she woke up. I so badly wanted to stay and rest, my eyes were begging me to let me close them for a few more minutes, but I knew I had to go.

I found my hoodie that was tossed over the couch and I grabbed it, slipping it over my head. I stood up and found my shoes, quietly slipping them on before pausing at the coffee table. I bent over and grabbed the note, looking at the number she had left me. I quickly pulled my phone out and added the number to my contacts. I secretly promised myself that I wouldn't use it, but I thought it would be best to keep it in case I needed it.

I grabbed my bookbag and swung it over my shoulder, then silently walked out the door, being sure to lock it. 

Ms. Debnam- or Alycia's house was about the same walking distance to school as it was from my house, making it only a 20 minute journey. I looked to my watch, realizing that I was actually too early to get into the school, so I walked down the street and stopped at a coffee shop, knowing I'd need all the caffeine I could get to make it through the day. 

I took a seat on the curb of the parking lot, opening my bag and pulling out the pack of cigarettes. I lit one and took a slow drag, trying to let my body rest a moment. I was already tired from the walking, and my body felt like it was going to cave into itself. But I shook off the pain, letting my mind drift off to a better world.


The bell rang, and I stepped out into the hall with the rest of the crowd. As usual, I spotted Gray heading toward the gym again. I went to run to catch up, but my body immediately said no, causing me to just follow in a quick paced walk. When I finally caught up to him, he lifted his head from his phone and peered over to me for a moment, and looked back down. "Hey-" he said but quickly looked back up at me.

"Woah, bro what the fuck happened to your face?" he asked, giving me a weird look.

I reached my hand up to my face, almost forgetting about it. "Oh.. this? pshh you should see the other guy," I chuckled to myself. But Gray didn't laugh, his face remaining serious as he squinted his eyes at me. "It was him, wasn't it?" he questioned. I didn't respond, only shook my head looking away. "I'll kick his ass," he concluded, stomping away from me. I reached for his arm, stopping him.

"No, dude. It's fine. I got it under control."

He turned back to look at me, clearly not believing me as he shook his head. He opened his mouth speak but was quickly interrupted by the bell, signaling us to go inside the gym. He went to open the door but paused, turning back to face me. "This isn't over," he warned, then he turned away walking inside the gym.


I made it to my last class of the day and took my seat. Alycia was nowhere to be found. I began to pull my things out of my backpack when I heard heels clicking. I looked up just as she entered the class. Immediately her eyes found mine, and she closed her eyes letting out a deep sigh. 

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