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Trigger warning: Assault -skip passed ***

"What the fuck? Why are the lights off?"

The sound of several footsteps echoed through the bathroom with what seemed to be muffled laughs. It sounded like multiple kids who were probably just pulling a prank, but I really wasn't in the mood for that right now.

"Oh, fuck this.." I mumbled in annoyance, but when I walked to where the exit was, I was quickly stopped by several hands that grabbed onto me.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I fought back against the hands but they quickly over powered me, forcing me to the ground on my back with a hefty thud. I ripped my arms away, trying to swing at whoever was holding me down but they leaned their weight into my hands, as more fingers wrapped around my legs, now holding all of my limbs to the floor.

"Get off m-!" I hand smacked over my mouth as another wrapped around my throat, squeezing it, leaving barely enough room for me to breathe.

"Get off you? Relax, we're just having a little fun," a girl's voice taunted, sounding too calm for the situation. I squirmed into the hands, using all my strength to pull myself away, but they tightened their grip, their nails now digging into the skin of my arms and legs. I desperately raised my shoulders off the ground, trying to get up. "Keep her down!" The voice commanded, and the hands yanked on my arms, putting their body weight on top of my shoulders. I screamed through the hand on my mouth, starting to panic as I felt a face really close to mine.

"This situation remind you of anything, Y/n?" the voice asked me, and I shook my head against her hand, violently shaking as hard as I could against their grip. I felt a heavy punch to my stomach, and air poured from my covered lips and through her fingers as my legs tried to lift from the impact, but they were held in place.

"None of this reminds you of... I don't know. The time you lost your virginity?"

My heart dropped into my stomach, and my eyes widened into the dark room. I began to flail as hard as I possibly could against the hands, my fear pushing me to use every ounce of strength I had to fight back, but they fought back harder, not letting me move from my spot, and I screamed again through the hand.

"Let's give you a little reminder.." I gasped, my panic increasing as my shorts were ripped down to my ankles and my shirt was forcefully torn in the front. All I could do was thrash against their grip, but it did nothing as they forcefully stripped me of my clothes. I tried to scream again, but was cut short as another fist sailed into my stomach, making it harder to breathe again.

"You can't run away from this, Y/n..."

I kept fighting and more weight came on me as hands began to pull my legs apart. I kicked them in panic, desperately trying to get away but they leaned on each side, forcing them open. The hand was removed from my mouth for a split second, but before I could shout, a piece of cloth was stuffed into my throat, once again muffling my cries.

"Does this jog your memory?" I shook my head quickly, begging for this to end when I felt a hard kick sail in between my legs, causing a muffled scream to rise out of me. I shot my head up from the ground, my body squirming in pain, but my head was forcefully held down again, causing the tears to slide down my temples.

"My aunt says he's gonna come back.." There was another blow between my legs, and I screamed even louder at the impact, this time, causing a searing pain that I know caused bleeding. Her aunt?? Carla? "And you'll be his again.." I felt another kick, but this time, it didn't stop. Kick after kick landed between my legs, my stomach, and my chest before the hands lifted off of me and it became a group of kicks, knocking me left and right, until it eventually just stopped. I rolled around on the floor, my hands holding myself all over from the pain as I heard her move to stand beside me.

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