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"Y/n, baby open your eyes,"

I felt cold hands placed on my back and then one moved to my face. My eyes fluttered open, slowly adjusting to the brightness of the basement. When my focus adjusted, I glanced around the room feeling delirious. I was still on the floor of the basement, but I was unable to recall how long I had been laying there. I followed the hand that rested on my cheek to Alycia who was knelt beside me. A sigh of relief fell over me at the sight of the woman, but quickly flushed away, remembering where we were. They shouldn't have come here, their safety was at risk.

"Yeah, we're at 7741 Main street- oh, she's waking up now." My eyes followed the voice to Gray who was standing behind Alycia, pacing back and forth. How did Gray know about this? Did they come together? How did they get in? These worries flooded my mind, causing me to panic internally. I carefully turned myself onto my back, groaning at the movement, where I was able to see her green eyes above me. They began welling up with tears as she looked at me, worry and sadness washed all over her face. I felt my heart ache as I slowly reached up a hand to rest on her cheek, swiping my thumb at the tear that began to fall from her eye.

"D-don't cry, Alycia. I'm ok.." I reassured, my voice low and raspy. She shook her head at me, both of her hands cupped over my cheeks now. I dropped my hand from her face and pushed against the ground, trying to sit myself up. I winced, feeling a tearing pain in my stomach as she moved her hands down to my shoulders, keeping me down. "Don't move, baby. We're getting help," she begged, but I shook my head at her, forcing myself to sit up anyway.

"No... No, we gotta go. You have to get out of here. He could come back. If he c-comes back he'll have our heads," I warned. I reached a hand up to my face and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to pull myself together but it felt like the room was spinning. I lifted my eyes at the soft touch of Alycia's fingers tracing down the side of my neck. It stung against my burnt skin that was still sensitive, but I didn't say anything, only thankful to have her hands on me again.

I shook my head and pulled myself to my feet, but quickly began to sway back and forth, my dizziness making me unsteady. Alycia noticed and grabbed onto me, wrapping an arm around my back to help me up. I leaned on her a moment to adjust to being on my feet, and then let go, the urgency of the situation pushing me to keep moving. It wasn't until I stood up that I remembered the chains that still held my hands together. She bent down to the ground, tugging on the part that was attached to floor, but it wouldn't budge. Gray noticed her struggling and walked over, tugging on it with her, but it did nothing. My eyes searched the dark basement, looking for a solution when my eyes fell on a baseball bat in the corner. I lifted a finger and pointed, Gray caught on and went to grab it.

"Alright, everybody step back," he warned and I stumbled back, Alycia helping me out of the way. He lifted the bat and swung it like a golf club, the first swing bending the metal hook forward and the second dislodging it from the ground. I pulled the chain, gathering it up in my hands before addressing the group.

"Okay, we gotta go before he finds out!" I said, hobbling my way to the stairs. Alycia offered to assist me up the stairs but I ignored it, more focused on getting them out of the house, but reality caught up to me as I stumbled on myself.

"Careful, baby. I got you," Alycia said from behind me, catching me before I fell. Her arms wrapped around me from behind and I leaned into it, despite the slight pain it caused. We carefully made our way up the stairs and back into the hall. When I got to the top, I leaned my back against the wall trying to catch my breath. Every movement only increased my exhaustion, making little tasks feel like a marathon. Gray walked passed us, searching the house again, while Alycia turned to face me, cupping her hands to my cheeks and then sliding them behind my neck and head. I slumped into her, resting my head on her shoulder and allowing her body to hold me up against the wall while I tried to breathe.

When I was able to pull myself together, I shifted my body back again, meeting her green eyes that were full of worry as she looked me over. I tried to stay strong, but was unable to stop my eyes from welling up and letting a single tear slip down my cheek. She brought her hands back up to my face, using her thumb to wipe it and brought her eyes back to mine. I shook my head against her hands, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Y-you came," I cracked out, holding back the rest of the tears that threatened my eyes. I knew that she shouldn't be here and that it was putting her in danger, but I couldn't help the emotion that evoked me at the sight of my safe haven whom I feared I wouldn't live to see again. I peaked my eyes back open to meet soft ones. She gently closed them and pulled my head down a bit, placing a soft kiss on my head and then lifting my chin back up.

"Always.." she whispered to me, and I let out a shaky sigh.

Gray walked back into view and both of our heads turned to him. "The cops are here. I think we might be in the clear," he said sounding relieved, but something felt off about it. I gently pulled myself from Alycia and toward the front room to peak out the window. But before I could make it, the door kicked open and a cop stood outside the door. But not just any cop. It was the only one I wouldn't want to see.

My father...

His gun was pointed straight ahead as I listened to the sound of other cop cars pulling up to the house. I snapped my head to the direction his gun was pointed, following the line of fire all the way to... Alycia. She stood there with her arms in the air and her eyes wide. Adrenalin quickly rushed through me as I stumbled my way toward her, desperate to protect the woman from my father, while I listened to him speak up.

"Trespassing on my property? Now your the dead bitch," he spat out as I moved quicker toward her, breaking into a run. Everything was moving so quickly, yet I still felt like it was slow motion.. Gray rushing toward the front door, my body somehow lunging itself in front of Alycia, and my dad's pointer finger slowly pulling the trigger.



The firing of the gun echoed through the room. My ears began to ring, barely making out the muffled scream that escaped Alycia's lips. My body hit the ground with a heavy thud, shooting pain throughout my whole body. My vision blurred as I lifted a heavy hand to my shoulder, feeling a warm substance on my fingers. I let my hand drop to the ground beside me, as I watched blurry figures run around the room, tumbling over each other and yelling muffled demands. I squinted my eyes, trying to make out what was going around me, but was only able to focus on the figure kneeled next to me.

I felt hands cup my cheeks as my vision cleared, my eyes finally making out Alycia's face that hovered over top of me. She looked horrified and my heart stung at the sight of her. I've put her through so much in such a short amount of time, she didn't deserve this. Her green eyes were full of tears looking down at me, and no physical pain could hurt me worse than the sight of her so upset. I could barely feel her warm hands pressing together on my bleeding shoulder. She nodded her head at me, speaking to me but I couldn't hear a word she said. My eyes dropped down to her lips, reading her words.

Stay with me

My eyes became heavy, requiring most of my energy to just keep them open. I watched the woman in front of me, panicked and worried. I put her through this, I put them both through all of this. I felt my eyes starting to close and I used all of my energy to finally speak out to her.

"I'm sorry," I managed to get out in a raspy whisper.

I'm sorry Alycia... I'm sorry I brought you into this mess. I'm sorry that anybody who ever gets close to me only ends up getting hurt in the end. I'm sorry you had to see this. I'm sorry you had to see me. I'm sorry that you even met me. I hope you can forgive me.

I let my eyes close, accepting the fate that I was given. It felt like this was the end for me, but I didn't try to fight it anymore. Maybe it was for the best. The best for me, and the best for everyone else. My existence seemed to only cause chaos for those around me, and it pained me what I had put her through.

I concluded that this was meant to be, that my time was up, but all I could think about as the darkness consumed me, was how thankful I was that it was me and not her.


This is far from the end, don't worry haha.

While I do kind of have a plan for where I want the rest of this story to go, I am open to ideas and requests :) let me know what ya think


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