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My eyes shot open, blinking a few times before rapidly scanning the room around me. It was a hospital room with a dim light over the nurse's cart beside the bed. I felt a wave of panic wash over me, causing my breathing to speed up. My hands moved frantically around the bed, getting caught in all the wires and iv tubing coming out of my hospital gown. I felt the urge to run, and I couldn't seem to register why, but at the same time, I couldn't fight it.
I pushed myself up from the bed, ignoring the searing pain coming from my chest and my stomach and began ripping off the cords that were entangled on me. I looked at my hand with the iv in it and without hesitation, ripped it out, causing blood to slowly seep out from the tape.
My head shot up to the sound of footsteps at the door, but that didn't stop me. I flung the blankets from over top of me and pushed myself out of bed. But as soon as I stood up, my vision began to blur and the world around me started spinning. Spots of black started to appear before I felt myself fall, slamming my body into the cart before hitting the floor. I shifted on to my side, a groan escaping through my labored breathing.
The door to the room immediately opened, footsteps rushing over toward me.
"Y/n! Someone help!"I heard a worried voice shout. I felt a soft hand on my back, carefully slipped underneath the opening of my hospital gown. But my brain couldn't process what was happening. My hands felt as if they were moving on their own, pushing myself away from everything around me.
"Y/n! Y/n, you're okay, baby. It's okay," her voice was gentle, and reassuring.
I felt her move a soft hand to my face, while my breaths still came out rapid.
I heard more footsteps approach, my eyes still squeezed shut.
"What's going o- oh my god?"
More hands found their way to my shaking body, but it was her soft voice that managed to reach me.
"Baby, look at me," she spoke out, her lips close to my ear. I shook my head, still fighting against it. "Look at me." I slowly peaked my panicked eyes open to meet Alycia who was kneeled on the ground right next to me, her face tilted close to mine.
"Hey.." she smiled softly, her eyes safe and reassuring. She used her thumb to gently stroke my cheek as her other hand rubbed small circles on my back, easing my anxiety. I shook my head, struggling to process what was happening.
"Shhhh, You're okay... just breathe, it's okay" I let my eyes close, trying to take in her words and calm myself. We stayed like this a moment, the tips of her fingers delicately scratching the exposed skin of my back. It was soothing, and I allowed my focus to shift only to the movements I felt on my back.
After a minute or so, my breathing slowed and I relaxed as I listened to more footsteps enter the room.
"Alright, Y/n, we're going to get you back in bed. How's your pain right now?" A voice asked me.
I shook my head, "I'm fine," I whispered, still catching my breath.
I felt several hands wrapping around my body before being lifted in the air and placed back into my bed. I furrowed my eyebrows at the movements, my body now remembering every hit it took.
The nurse quickly examined me, making sure I didn't cause anymore damage to myself then I already have and then picked up my hand that was now covered in dried blood.
"Okay, I'll be right back, I'm going to grab a few things to give you a new iv," the nurse said before leaving.
I carefully opened my eyes again, noticing Alicia standing beside the bed, the only person left. She bent over and grabbed my hand, giving me a sad smile.
"I'll let you get some rest." She started to turn away, letting go of my hand but I reached and wrapped my fingers around her wrist, stopping her.
"Alycia, please... please don't leave." I internally cringed at how desperate I sounded. I didn't want to be a burden to anyone, but right now, she was the only person that made me feel safe.
She turned back toward me, her green eyes dancing between mine before gently nodding her head at me.
I pushed my hands into the bed beneath me, shifting my body towards the left side of the bed. Pain soared through my ribs and my shoulder at the movement, but ignored it, only giving a sharp inhale.
"Careful.." she whispered, quickly resting her hands on me. When I made it to the edge, I let my body relax, catching my breath as I tapped the bed beside me. She tilted her head, giving me a confused look.
"Stay.." was all that I managed to get out. She slowly nodded her head, and hesitantly climbed into the bed beside me. When she got settled, I moved my body closer, resting my head on her shoulder. She wrapped an arm around my back, her fingers finding my skin through the gown.

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