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"Y/n, why is this the second time you've been to my office, and we're barely a month into school," Mr Blackworth sighed, pinching the top of his nose with his fingers.

I kept my mouth shut, keeping my head to the floor. The boy I fought, I guess his name was Darren, was still sitting outside of his office, making me the first to talk to the principal. 

As much as I didn't want to bring attention to myself, I really had no regrets in fighting back. I was sick and tired of being trampled on by people, and now that my father was out of the picture, I refused to take any more beatings without retaliation. My only feelings of regret came from Alycia's reaction, she was the last person I wanted to disappoint, and I fear that it may be too late for me. She hasn't known me very long, so I couldn't blame her for making conclusions about me from that interaction alone. Although, I really hope she doesn't hate me.

I don't want to hurt anyone, at least that's not my intention. All I want is freedom from pain.

"I understand that you've had a tough time these last few weeks, and you're normally very well behaved, but this new attitude: showing up tardy and getting into fights... That's got to change. That behavior is not acceptable," he spoke sternly. I gave him a small nod, my eyes staying on the floor. But what surprised me, was my mouth that seemed to open without permission.

"So, you would have preferred that I did nothing?" I talked back, shocking myself at the remark, but I stuck with it. I could feel the atmosphere change as Mr Blackworth shifted in his seat. He was probably just as shocked as I was, but the way his arms crossed over his chest, I knew that it was a mistake.

"You think the best response to that is to hit someone? To tackle them to the ground and throw punches? Y/n this is a school, not a prison, I expect better behavior out of you!"

"Well you shouldn't," I sighed, standing up and swinging my bag over my shoulder. 

 "Can I leave now?" He gave me a hard glare, slowly shaking his head at me.

"Detention, today. You'll be serving it in your last class. In there, you'll be speaking with the counselor. IF you chose not to show up to that, you WILL be suspended. Do you understand?" he demanded.

I gave him a single nod, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Good. Now go," he pointed to the door, and I turned on my heels and walked out. When I opened the door, Mr Blackworth called out for Darren, and he shot up from his chair, giving me a glare. "Bitch," he muttered under his breath, bumping into my shoulder as he walked passed me. I winced slightly, reaching a hand up to the scar that was still healing, but luckily he didn't see it. 

I walked out of the office and turned the corner, nearly slamming myself into Gray who was leaning against the wall.

"Shit, dude," I mumbled, startled. "What are you doing?"

"What happened? Did he suspend you?" he asked frantically. I shook my head no, letting out a deep sigh. "Did you skip gym?" I asked, trying to change the subject a little.

"Nah, they just assumed I had to go to the office too, so I've been chilling here."

I slowly nodded my head, crossing my arms over my chest. "I got detention in Ms. Debnam-Carey's class again," I said, leaning my back against the wall. He looked at me, eyes widened with his eyebrows raised. I just shook my head at it and crossed my arms. "Blackworth said the counselor is gonna be there," I rolled my eyes.

"Awe man, that old dude? He's a pain." I turned my head, squinting my eyes. "You've talked to him?" he let out a laugh and I just gave him a confused smile. "Yeah, long story short, I forgot to take my Adderall last year and the teacher kicked my ass out of class," he laughed and I just shook my head, letting out a smaller one. 

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