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  Huami's lower abdomen is no longer as soft as it used to be. Although it looks flat, it is a bit hard to the touch.

  She don't know if it's a boy or a girl.

  Hua Mi thought that there were still a lot of clothes for newborns in her level 13 storage, and suddenly seemed to feel a little anxious.

  She has never been a mother, so she has no experience. Should she stock up on some milk powder first?

  While thinking wildly, Hua Mi saw Cao Feng rolled over by the mud.

  Cao Feng's spirit looked very bad, and his whole person showed a kind of fatigue.

  Hua Mi took out her mobile phone to check the time. An hour had passed since she gave the energy light cluster for them just now.

  So can an energy light cluster only satisfy the energy consumption of an ordinary person for an hour?

  She took out a ball of light from the level 13 storage, took advantage of Cao Feng's inattention, and shot it directly into his body.

  Hua Mi called to Cao Feng again,
  "Go and eat some cakes, I think this mudslide is getting smaller and smaller, and we will be able to withstand it slowly."

  Cao Feng looked at the landslide pouring in from the gap in the door that was one person wide . Mud, indeed, is getting less and less.

  It seems that the mountain outside has collapsed, and now the outside has stabilized.

  Just wait for everything that needs to be vented to leak in, and before they are submerged in mud, they can find a way to dig out the mountain by themselves.

  One after another, the garrison began to get tired again, and the energy in their bodies was consumed quickly after an hour of high-intensity work.

  But no one got tired and got down on the ground. This unknown material storehouse was never filled with mud.

  In the end, everyone was in high spirits, but it was Hua Mi, who couldn't stand it because of the lethargy during pregnancy, and took a nap in a sluggish state.

  With sleepy eyes, she didn't know who the person opposite was. Anyway, when she saw someone passing in front of her, she patted the energy ball, patted back and forth, her hands were not touching the other person's body, and there was a distance , and the energy ball in her hand can be slapped into the body of the garrison.

  Can it still be like this?

 Hua Mi's head was bouncing, and she almost fell headlong into the mud due to drowsiness.

  Someone shouted loudly,

  "Stop, stop!"

  She opened her eyes and saw that there was a huge stone wrapped in the mud outside the crack of the door. Make some small gaps, like a water gun, to inject mud into the material storehouse.

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Chi Chuan and others sat in the mud inside the door, and couldn't help laughing because they managed to stay alive .

  Then everyone laughed too, because none of them was smothered to death by the mud, and none of them died of exhaustion.

  Aren't surviving worth a good laugh?

  Soon, however, they stopped laughing.

  They realized that at this moment, a huge rock was blocking the door of the material warehouse, and now they wanted to dig a passage out of it, but there was no way.

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